Stiles Gif #4

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A/N: This gif imagine does include some sexual content please do not read if you are uncomfortable with such subject matter. 

Imagine having a fun night consisting of Stiles and some rope and then the next day having developed some light rope burns on your wrists.

Your and Stiles's best friend Scott being the nosey and oblivious guy he is, asks you about the marks as soon as he spots them while you are all outside before the first bell rings. "What happened to your wrists Y/n?"

You blush and look up at your boyfriend, Stiles smirking and waiting for your answer.

"Uh I don't know I didn't even notice it, maybe its a rash or something. My skin is kind of sensitive." You lie trying to avoid embarrassment.

However, Stiles wasn't going to let you off the hook that easy. Stile takes a step towards you scratching his jaw in an unexpected sexy way. "Are you sure babe? Let me look at them." He says picking up your wrists together just the way he does when he's tying them up. He knows what he's doing to you and he wants you to know it too. "Hm, looks almost like rope burn to me."

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Your jaw drops at his bluntness and your face becomes a darker shade of red. You're at a loss of words but thankfully Scott speak first.

"Rope burn? Why would Y/n have rope burn? You've been reading your Dad's files at the station too much dude." Scott laughs rolling his eyes.

Thankfully the bell rings for everyone to head to classes and Scott says goodbye before heading to his first-period English class.

Although you don't have the same first period as Stiles he usually walks you to your class before heading to his own. So when Scott's gone you look up at him in playful disbelief. "You're an ass you know that?" You say laughing.

He rolls his eyes and smirks before giving you a small kiss. "And you're so fucking cute when you get all red you know that?" He teases you.

You both laugh now rolling your eyes at him and grabbing his hand before heading inside the building and to class. 

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