Hogwarts Houses

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Hey guys! I had a ton of fun making these as I'm a huge Harry Potter fan! Let me know if you guys agree or disagree with where I sorted Dylan and his characters and why, but please be nice to each other this is just for fun and I don't want to start any fights lol. Also, just in case you were wondering I myself am a Hufflepuff, what house are you? Let me know in the comments! Love you guys! (Oh one more thing I did make these collages so if you want to repost them or use them or anything like that please give me credit. If I find that you've used them without credit I will report it on whatever sight it is on and block you from my Wattpad. This goes the same for stealing any of my fake texts or my writing in general. Thank you for understanding!) 

I totally think Dylan would be a Hufflepuff

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I totally think Dylan would be a Hufflepuff. He's a soft guy at heart who wants to make people happy, especially the ones he loves. Dylan is also super hard working, his job can be so demanding and he always does such an amazing job taking on his role no matter how unique. I also see Dylan as a very loyal guy, he holds his love ones really close, having life long friends, and keeping in touch with all the cast mates he became friends with. And not to get into politics but if you know anything about Dylan's view on the government and society I take them as focusing on fairness and equality.

Now if you've never read/seen all of the Harry Potter franchise you might assume that all Slytherins are mean, evil, or rude, however that is not always the case

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Now if you've never read/seen all of the Harry Potter franchise you might assume that all Slytherins are mean, evil, or rude, however that is not always the case. At their core, Slytherin are determined, realistic (verging on pessimistic), and resourceful. In my opinion, Stiles shows great determination in the way he continuously fights for what he and the pack believe in. He's incredibly smart as a Slytherin is said to be cunning and resourceful. He's obviously ambitious as he dreams to work in the FBI, and when I think of Stiles I immediately think of his sarcasticness and I feel like Slytherins are very sarcastic in nature. I almost sorted Stiles into Ravenclaw but I felt like he just somehow fit into Slytherin better.

This is slightly predictable for Thomas but I really do believe he is a Gryffindor

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This is slightly predictable for Thomas but I really do believe he is a Gryffindor. He's obviously very brave as he is a runner while in the glade and then continues through the series to take risks for the greater good. Thomas is also very bold as even as a greenie he shows the desire to lead and steer the glade in a new direction. Thomas is also chivalrous as a Gryffindor, he wants to protect those that he loves and strives to maintain a certain moral code of kindness. Overall Thomas is known for fighting for what he believes and keep the ones he loves safe and happy.

At first, I struggled to sort Mitch into a house since we honestly don't know a ton about him

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At first, I struggled to sort Mitch into a house since we honestly don't know a ton about him. However, I ended up going this Gryffindor for some obvious reasons. Mitch is in the CIA as an assassin and obviously, that takes a lot of courage and bravery. I also picked Gryffindor largely based on the events with his Fiance, Katrina. He went on a path to avenge her death because of how much he loved her, especially with the nature of her death. Being chivalrous has a lot to do with a personal moral code and Mitch's main drive in the move is to take down people responsible for committing terrible acts of violence and crime against the innocent. 

Now I almost sorted Stuart into Slytherin, especially since I see a lot of similarities between him and Stiles but ultimately I learned more towards Ravenclaw

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Now I almost sorted Stuart into Slytherin, especially since I see a lot of similarities between him and Stiles but ultimately I learned more towards Ravenclaw. Stuart is obviously a smart guy, he works for Google after all, but I think he's even smarter than he wants to let on. I get this vibe from Stuart that when he's on his phone he's not just messing around but taking the time to read and create and just learn in general. He is also very sarcastic and very blunt which I think fits into the wittiness and sharpness Ravenclaws share. However, we don't know a lot about Stuart so his character does have a lot of room for interpretation.

So Dave is another character that we honestly don't know a ton about but what we do know leads me to sort him into Hufflepuff

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So Dave is another character that we honestly don't know a ton about but what we do know leads me to sort him into Hufflepuff. Dave has big dreams of being writing and going to New York City, he seems like a smart and hardworking guy. With the romantic interactions we see of him I definitely think he's the guy to always put loved ones first and therefore be super loyal and caring. The way he helps take care of his little sister also shows he is a family guy and has the patience to care for a young child. Overall he just seems like a super sweet guy who wants to make others happy.

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