Chapter 3

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"Oh~ Who's your friend 68?~" They cooed, looking over his shoulder, only to be pushed back by To68.

"That is none of your concern-" I interrupted To68 with a sigh, walking around him and looking the spider up and down.

'Who the hell is this guy... or girl..?'


To68 sighed, rubbing his temples as the spider circled me.

"She's cute!! I like her!!" The spider brought me into a tight embrace, my face shoved into their chest of fluff.

My face turned a bright red, this was weird... and I didn't like it.

I pulled away, cringing slightly as the spider examined my clothing with a massive smirk. They then grabbed my hand, shaking it.

"The names Angel Dust!! What's your name doll?~" I smiled slightly, pulling my hand back from the four gloved hands.

"(y/n)... nice to meet you..?" It sounded more like a question then anything. Before Angel Dust could say anything else, To68 crouched in front of me.

"We must find shelter mistress, so let us go..." He spoke, almost begging me to get away from the pink spider.

Angel gasped, grinning widely, "I know where you two could stay!! I'm livin' at this place called-"

"She does not wish to be rehabilitated, and neither do I, Angel Dust" To68 growled, making the spider shrug.

"You don't HAVE to be rehabilitated sixy!! Maybe Charlie will let you both work there... I know you need cash~" Angel cooed...

To68 opened his mouth to say something, then shut it, looking down in thought... so I answered for him.

"That sounds like it'll work, lead the way~" I smirked, making the both of their faces fall.

"Damn, you got a sexy smirk..." Angel mumbled, making me laugh.

"This is the place, babe~" Angel smirked, opening the door for T068 and I.

We looked at each other, then walked inside the 'Happy Hotel' with smiles.

"CHARLIE!!!" Angel called, "I GOT-"

Before he- (found out he was a he after To68 said he was gay) -could finish, a blonde doll-like girl ran over, a stack of papers behind her.

"CUSTOMERS?!?!" She yelled with a large grin, shaking my hand violently.

"HI!! I'm Charlie, what can I do for you?!" She smiled, panting slightly.

'She was probably working'

Before we could respond, Angel draped one of his arms over my shoulder while another held To68's waist.

"This is To68 and (y/n), they were looking for a place to stay and said they could help you out~" He smirked while Charlie smiled, nodding.

"YES!! We've got a few openings if you want to check them out..?" I nodded, To68 just grumbled... trying to pry Angel's arm off of his waist.


"Thanks Charlie!!" I smiled as she dropped the room key into my hand.

"Oh!! No problem (y/n), but I will tell you that there are a few more demons you'll meet here and if they stop you and ask you for your info, tell them 'Stay tuned', then they'll leave you alone!!" She smiled while To68 and I arched our eyebrows.

((Dear Lucifer, I was reading over this and... I am so fucking sorry for how cringe-y that was >.>))

'Do you think its some kind of code, mistress?'

I looked over to To68 with a questioning gaze, making him smirk.

'Your my creator, I obviously can talk to you mentally'

'Oh... that's a bit weird but okay, anyway!! Yeah, it must be something she tells everyone else so that they wont question one another'

Charlie and Angel looked at To68 then me as we stared at each other, still having our mental conversation.

"What are they doing..?" Angel whispered, making me look over.

Tip: Don't look over as quickly as I did.

My neck cracked and my fangs poked out through my lips, my eyes narrowing from the pain.

Angel yelped, jumping back while Charlie just blinked, wide eyed.

"JEEZ!! SORRY!!" Angel yelled, meanwhile, I held my chin and then


They all shuddered, cringing as I sighed deeply with a small smile.

"I'll be heading up to my room Charlie, see you all later" They just nodded, watching me as I went into the elevator.

'Well, that escalated too quickly don't you think?' 


I was brought out my thoughts by a ding, signaling I was already at my floor.

I walked out of the elevator and searched the halls for the number '667'.

---One Hour Later--- 


Grumbling, I shoved my key into the lock and aggressively turned it.

A loud -click- came to my attention, making me throw the door open. I walked inside, shutting and locking the door behind me as I looked around the room.

It was cute!!

The room was fairly large, the interior were either white or (f/c), were they expecting me?

Fairy lights hung around the room, giving it a small flare. My eyes shot wide as I looked over, seeing a walk in closet and HUGE bathroom.

I almost broke into tears it was so beautiful.

Giggling, I jumped onto the bed, digging my face in the soft throw pillows.

'What a strange day...'

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