Chapter 29

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"Sorry? SORRY?!?! You lead me on, blushing and coming close like holding my hand, and all you have to say is SORRY?!?!" He yelled, making me shrink down with my ears flattened against my head.

The elevator dinged, the doors sliding open, giving me the chance to get away.

I slid underneath his arm and out of the gold lift, tears streaming down my face.

'I didn't know... I'm sorry To68'


As Angel continued to dress me up like a doll, I stared at the ground, thinking of what had happened a few hours ago.

'I never knew 68 like-liked me...'

"SO!! How about this one?! OR this one?!?!" I snapped my head in the feminine spider's direction, looking at the skanky outfits with a nervous expression.

"Angel... I don't think he would appreciate me wearing something like that to a date..." I whisper yelled, watching Angel groan.

"Who even is this guy anyway? And once again, WHAT KIND OF GUY DOESN'T APPRECIATE A GIRL WITH CONFIDENCE!!" He yelled, waving the outfits around angrily.

"A guy who doesn't like hookers" I responded blankly, turning back to the ground.

I felt the bed shift a little beside me, making me turn. Angel sat beside me, his legs crossed as he stared at me.

"What's wrong? This morning you looked so... happy, and now your all sad" He mumbled, poking my cheek.

"Sorry Ang... I guess you could say I'm in a bit of trouble" He gasped dramatically, leaning in closer with a grin.

"Tell me who and what happened~"

I nervously rubbed my arm, "Your not going to like it, I'm warning you..."

"JUST TELL MEEEEE!!!" He yelled, grabbing my shoulders.

I sighed, "Well-


-And now here we are" I finished, watching mixed emotions go through Angel's eyes.

"Wait, wait, wait... so your telling me... the strawberry pimp, and the grape are fighting... over you!!!" He squealed while I stared at him with an arched brow.

"What's with you and naming demons after fruits?"

"YOUR SOOOO LUCKY!!!!" He yelled, ignoring my question entirely.

"Wait, so your not mad?" He just shook his head, jumping off the bed and running to my closet.

"ALRIGHT!! Now that I know who your going out with, a dress selection will be MUCH easier!!" He yelled, throwing a few things beside me.

A smile grace my lips as I watching him run around with his arms full of clothing items from his wardrobe and my own.

I spun around, glancing at the full body mirror as Angel whistled.

I wore a knee length, red, strapped, flowing dress. My hair was (Choose a hairstyle, down, up, whatever) with a white lace choker and white lace heels.

Then, to finish the look, a pair of white, once again lace, gloves.

"I think you've outdone yourself this time Ang!! I love it!!!" I squealed, wrapping my arms around his torso as he grinned.

Once we pulled away, he started to tear up, sniffling as he slouched.

"THEY GROW UP SO FAAAAASSSSTTTT!!!!" He bawled, collapsing on the bed.

I giggled, but we both went silent as a rhythmic knock echoed throughout the room, making the both of us look at the door.

"He's here!!" I whisper yelled, speeding over to the door.

I looked back at Angel, who grinned, giving me four thumbs up while whisper chanting, "Open the door"

I breathed in, then out before grasping the door knob and turning it.

Once I had opened the door fully, revealed to me was a pacing Alastor, who stopped when he realized I saw him there.

He cleared his throat before handing me a glistening red rose, a grin making its way to his face once more, "For you, my dear~"

I blushed furiously, gently taking the rose from his fingertips and placing it in my hair with a small smile.

"T-Thank you..." I smiled, then shrunk down as Angel walked past me and whispered something in Alastor's ear that made his face go red.

"ANGEL DUST!!! YOU SCANDALOUS SPIDER!!!" Alastor yelled as Angel ran off laughing his ass off.

"What did he s-"

"NOTHING!!!" Al yelled, his fluffy ears flattening against his head.

I blinked, then giggled, "Alright alright"

Alastor looked me up and down, his grin growing by the second.

"You look absolutely breathtaking, darling...~" He whispered, his eyes half-lidded.

"Shall we?~" He held out his arm for me with a soft, nervous, smile.

I gave him a close eyed smile, gently taking ahold of his arm, "We shall, my charming deer~"

He gleamed, walking down the hall with me at his side, it felt nice.

Once we made it to the lobby, Charlie, Vaggie, Angel, and Lucifer stood there mindlessly making conversation till they noticed us.

"AWWWWW!!!!!" Charlie squealed, making Al and I look at oone another with large, toothy smiles.

"You guys are so CUUUTTTTTEEEEE!!!!" She yelled, "Wait right there!!"

She ran into her office, then came back out with a camera.

I gave a close eyed smile while doing a peace sign, and Alastor just held my waist with a grin, closing his eyes as well.

Once Charlie got the picture, I laughed. I grabbed Alastor's hand, pulling him to the door with my tail multiplying behind me so I can keep my balance.

"Lets go before Angel decides to open his mouth" I whispered, giggling while he simply chuckled.

And without any further words, we happily walked out the front door.

Unaware of the dark, sinister eyes watching us in the shadows.

Love Killer (Yandere! Alastor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now