Chapter 26

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"What do you mean, 'as long as I don't go overboard', I'm not going to KILL the woman I love!!" I yelled, crossing my arms with a scowl.

"But it HAS to be you, and you've already done it before soooo... yeah" They looked down in thought before snapping their fingers with a grin.

"I know what to do!!" They ran out of the room, then came back with a bottle and a smirk plastered on their face.

HER eyes turned back to normal as she stared at me, "Drink this"

I shook my head, "What is that?"



---Your POV---

"Anyway, Alastor, please drink this" He stared at me with wide eyes before narrowing them with a scowl.

"I see what your doing" He growled while I arched my brow.


"Why do I need to drink the poison when YOUR the one supposed to die? And if you kill me, you cant g-"

"Alastor, that's not what I meant" I interrupted, and his eyes instantly turned into dials and he growled.

"THEN WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!?!" He yelled, then froze as a tear rolled down my cheek.

I had jumped back, holding my hands in front of me for any kind of protection while trembling horribly.

"Please don't hit me" I whispered, shakily opening one of my eyes.

Charlie and Angel came to my side with frowns, taking my hands down.

"I'm sorry..." Alastor mumbled, his eyes returning to their original state.

Slowly, I stepped forward, holding the bottle tightly.

"Alastor... you realize, I meant it when I said I would give you a second chance" I whispered, tugging at his sleeve as he turned.

"Then why-"

"Please... just trust me"

He didn't respond, but then grinned, taking the bottle from my fingertips.

"I trust you" And with that, he brought the vile to his lips and slowly, the liquid began to disappear.

Quickly, I grabbed his shoulders and brought him down to my level, then smashed my lips onto his.

I took the poison from him, and swallowed it while backing away.

"What just happened?" Angel questioned while Alastor grabbed my arms with wide eyes.

"She-... oooohhhhhh..." Charlie hummed, allowing the information to sink in.

"Clever" Pentious mumbled, while Lucifer nodded in agreement.

Then, my vision began to blur, and my knees buckled.

Just as I went limp, Alastor caught me, and held me close with a sigh.

"The only reason I am not sobbing is because I know about your abilities, my vixen... and... take this" He slipped his black ring off of his finger, and put it in my pocket with a small smile that I slowly returned.

"I'll s-see you in a f-few..." Then-


"(Y/N)?!?! WHERE ARE YOU, BABE?!?!"


"Ang-" I froze as a claw covered my mouth, silencing me?

I looked over with narrowed eyes, but they soon shot wide as I saw Pentious fighting with the... same female that died... not too far away.

'Wait... I remember this... that means Al-'

"You gave me quite the scare, darling~"

"Alastor?" I questioned, looking up with my eyebrow raised.

He dug his face in my neck with a chuckle, watching as Angel Dust came into view. Angel's eyes shot wide and his whole body went still before he suddenly ran forward.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER YOU STRAWBERRY PIMP!!!" The other two demons turned, dropping their weapons as they saw Alastor.


"What?" Alastor questioned, spinning me around to face him.

"Well, how should I put this-"

"Prove it" The deer demon leaned forward with his eyes narrowed, while I just gave him a deadpan expression.

I reached into my pocket and brought out the black ring from before and brought it in front of me.

His eyes shot wide and his grin stretched further on his face, "I actually managed to get you"

"You took me to a special place in the forest..." I smiled slightly, looking down.

"Then, I decided to give you a second chance-wait!! I traveled back to early!!!" I squeaked, taking Al's hand in my own.

I looked up at him with a frown before whispering, "You have to kill me so I can go back further!!"

"What?" He questioned, shaking his head.

Before he could react, I swiftly reached into my strap and grabbed one of my throwing knives. I shoved it in between our hands and jerked it towards me.




"I'll be there in a second!!"

'This was when he started acting strange!!'

"One Mississippi, Two Mississippi, Three-" The door flew open, revealing an annoyed Alastor.

His facial expression turned from an annoyed one, to a cheerful one, a grin creeping onto his face.

"Oh... hello dear!! What is it that you need, love?~" He smiled, while I gleamed.

'Yup, definitely the right time'

I blinked, then smiled, "There's a mystery girl downstairs asking for you, 'DEER'~"

"Ha!! She has jokes" He chuckled as he stepped out of his room, shutting the door behind him.

Before he turned, I went into the elevator with a small smile.

"ALASTOR!! YOU COMING?!?!" I laughed, watching as he stepped into the elevator with a grin.

I pressed the lobby button and as soon as the doors closed I turned to the red male with smirk, "Alastor"

He instantly looked at me, his eyebrow arched, "Yes, dear?"

"Do you have any plans later?"

Love Killer (Yandere! Alastor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now