Chapter 19

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As Angel and Lucifer helped Charlie, I walked over to the wall and stared at the deep crimson writing, "Mine". It was everywhere.

It was almost as if I could hear him yelling it directly in my large fox ear. He just kept saying, "mine" or "you cant escape".

It was terrifying...

I had never felt so horrified in my entire life, and all I could think about was-

'Why me..?'


I ignored the writing and walked back over to Charlie in alarm before realizing.

"Charlie..." She turned to me and sniffled a 'yes?'.

"Where's Vaggie..?" Angel and I's faces fell and Charlie shook her head. Angel looked down, blinking with a pained expression.

He grabbed Charlie's shoulders with wide eyes and a frown, "Husk..? Nifty? Baxter?! TO68?!?! ANYONE?!?"

Charlie just continued to shake her head, looking down at the blood covered floor. Angel then turned to me a scowl, "You..."

I looked at him with an eyebrow raised, but coughed as he grabbed me by the neck with his four hands.

"Its all YOUR fault!! YOUR THE ONE THAT THE RADIO DEMON WANTS!!! SO WHY DO WE HAVE TO SUFFER?!?!" He shook me, but was then pulled back by Lucifer, making me fall to the ground gasping for air.

Angel pointed to the door with a scowl, "Out"

I stared at him in disbelief before shakily standing with tears rolling down my face still.

"OUT!!" He yelled, making me flinch slightly.

He panted, his eyes full to the brim with hatred and sorrow as he pointed to the wide open door.

Staring at him, I slowly limped to the door, only then did they notice my bleeding ankle, but Angel held Charlie back as she yelled for me.

I looked in my holster and noticed my pistol, with only one bullet left.

I knew what I had to do.

Walking out of the ,no longer happy, hotel I went to the side walk and ironically it began to pour rain. I held myself in the freezing cold, but knew that THIS was my punishment...

---Alastor's POV--- ((short))

I watched from a distance with a grin, slowly, I walked past the hotel's door. All of them stared at me with wide eyes as I chuckled.

"Thank you for throwing her out like that, now... she will hate you and will have no one to turn to but me~" I cooed, making the spider's face fall.

"Wait... NO!!" He yelled, but it was already too late.

For I was already long gone.

---Your POV---

I sat against the alleyway wall, silently sobbing into my knees as I brought them to my chest.

"I-I'm sorry... I'm s-sorry..." I whispered, taking my white pistol from my belt.

Slowly, I stood and shakily put the weapon to my head with a frown.

"I-Its all my fault... t-thi-s is t-the best t-thing i c-can do..." I slowly closed my eyes and let my finger pull back the trigger.



I opened my eyes and examined my pistol, but my eyes shot wide as I noticed... my bullet was gone..??

I heard a slight whistle of a jazz-like tune and abruptly turned with wide eyes. Alastor was just... standing there, staring at the bullet as he twirled it in between his fingers.

'My bullet..'

As soon as I took a step back, his head shot in my direction with a scowl, "I would've expected better from you, my dear"

"You shouldn't just kill yourself when you have someone who cares about you as much as I do" He mumbled, shoving the bullet into his pocket.

"WELL, MAYBE I W-WOULDN'T HAVE TO K-KILL MYSELF I-I-IF YOU HADN'T MADE MY L-LIFE HERE M-MISERABLE!!!" I yelled, stomping my foot in anger as my tail multiplied.

He simply stared at me, a blank expression on his face, as if he was deep in thought.

"I'm sorry"

My eyes shot wide at his words. The infamous Radio Demon... was apologizing..?

I shook my head with narrowed eyes, "Sorry doesn't take back what y-you did"

He fell to his knees and intertwined our hands, his ears flattening against his head as tears rolled down his gray cheeks.

"P-PLEASE!! Let me make it up to you!! Yes! Please?! I'm begging you!!!" He begged, making me turn slightly and look at the wall in anger.

He smirked in the corner of my vision, making me turn to him once more with wide eyes. I tried to pull my hands away, but he just pulled me to his chest and hugged me tightly.

His hands roamed, tracing my side and stroking my thigh as he chuckled darkly.

"You really thought I was serious there... didn't you, my darling?~" He smirked, but growled as there was a yell in the distance.

"(Y/N)?! WHERE ARE YOU?!?! PLEASE, COME BACK!!! I'M SORRY!!!!" I could hear Angel, but even though I could, I didn't respond.

"I told you, my vixen, I told you that there was no escape... and that I would always find you... now look what happened, do you really want to repeat this once more? Or will you just give in... and love me, and let us be together like we were destined to be~" I looked down in thought as Alastor laughed.

"TICK TOCK!!~ Which will you choose?!? Death or my affection?~~"

I looked up at him, then at the end of the alley where I could now see Angel hollering in the opposite direction in tears.

I stared at Angel, then side glanced at Alastor with pure hatred...

"I accept"

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