Chapter 31

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((This is going to be a sad one...))


"So, what is this anyway? Oh!! I know what your doing now!!! Your trying to get her to fall in love with you so you can break her heart, genius!!" Mimzy laughed hopefully, but her face fell as Alastor shook his head.

"No, that is incorrect" He chuckled, looking back at me with a look over love and need.

"I am the one who is in love" I felt my heart melt, a warm smile taking over my lips.

They both stared at me, waiting for me to say something, and so... I did...

"I love you too, Alastor~"


---Alastor's POV---

I felt my heart practically jump out of my chest and burst into a million fireworks, my eyes lighting up with joy and passion.

Mimzy looked at me, tears now ruining her large amount of makeup.

I could see the sympathy in (y/n)'s eyes for a brief moment as she watched the female run off, sobbing.

Humming a tune, I waved a waiter over and stared at my little vixen as she ordered.

Once she finished, she looked back at me with her eyebrow arched, "Aren't you... going to order..?"

I smiled at her, appreciating that she was concerned for me, but shook my head.

"No, I... am on a special diet..." She smiled, nodding.

"Okay, I wont judge, you are your own person... er, demon..~" She giggled cutely, making my heart melt.

"Thank you for understanding, dear~" I smirked, intertwining my hands and placing my chin on top of my fingers, leaning forward.

She copied me, and we both had a little staring contest before breaking into a laughing fit. We hadn't realized that the waiter had brought her food already and set it on the table with a small smile.

"Cute couple...~" She whispered before walking away.

Once we calmed down and my vixen ate her meal, we left the bar with large smiles on our faces.

"Wait... I have a surprise... close your eyes, okay?" I whispered, gaining a small giggle from the giddy female.

She closed her eyes, a smirk on her lips. I waved my hand in front of her, checking if she was peeking, and she wasn't.

I swiftly picked her up bridle-style, making her eyes flinch slightly, but she quickly smiled.

Right as she gave me the smile, I ran across the road and towards the forest area with a large, mischievous grin.

Once we arrived at my secret spot in the woods, I set her down on the grass and ran around, putting everything in place.

I panted, sitting beside her as I whispered, "Open your eyes..."

Her eyelids fluttered as she stared in awe at the view of the city.

---Your POV---

Even if I've seen it before... I just couldn't help but stare at the wonderous sight.

"Its beautiful..." I whispered, turning to Alastor with a small smile.

His hand gently took my chin, his thumb caressing my cheek, "YOU are beautiful..."

My eyes flickered to his lips, then back to his eyes that were now half-lidded.

"And... the most... amazing and wonderful woman... I have ever met...~" I couldn't take it anymore.

I tackled him to the ground, smashing my lips onto his.

His eyes shot wide but then rolled back, his eyes shutting as he kissed back with just as much passion.

My hands rested on his chest while his traced my thighs, bringing them to his hips.

What started as a passionate kiss, turned into a make out session with me straddling him to the forest floor. 

He gently bit my lower lip, begging for an entrance but I just smirked, keeping my lips sealed shut. He growled darkly, pinching my thigh, causing me to gasp and he quickly took the chance to slid his tongue through my lips.

Humming in disappointment, we both pulled away panting, the only thing connecting us was a strand of saliva.

Then, his eyes shot wide and he quickly sat up, making me collapse into his chest.

"I'll be right back!! I forgot something important!!!" He squealed adorably, setting me on the grass before running off.

I smiled, my heart beat increasing at the thought of the deer demon, but it stopped when a dagger was put at my throat, a hand covering my mouth.

I struggled in the stranger's grasp as he set and envelope on the grass and switched from his hand to a rag, swiftly sending me into darkness.

---Alastor's POV---

I grabbed the bucket full of ice, two wine bottle perfectly sitting in the center, then I took two wine glasses and ran as quickly as I could with a large, lovesick grin on my face with a blush clearly present on my face.

But... it disappeared as I reached the area (y/n) was once in before.

I set the items down and ran to the spot where she once was, picking up the yellow envelope that sat in her place.

Ripping it open with my finger, I took the folded white note from the pouch and began to read.


Dear Alastor,

 I'm sorry, but we can not be together. Vaggie told me everything, and now I just feel I can't trust you anymore. I doubt you even did love me anyway, you animal!! You probably were just going to kill me, you asshole!! I hate you, and don't EVER speak to me again.

Sincerely, (Y/n) (L/n), not that you care


I fell to me knees, tears beginning to roll down my cheeks.

"I'm such an idiot..." I ripped up the note and stood, panting heavily.

I yelled out in anger, holding my chest as I sobbed.

But, I then stopped, looking up at the sky as rain began to sprinkle on the green grass.

'Why am I crying..? She is just a slut, trying to catch my attention...'

"It doesn't matter, SHE doesn't matter"

Love Killer (Yandere! Alastor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now