Chapter 44

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"Well, I could take you both to my flat, you would be safer there~" He cooed, his eyes half-lidded as he looked over to me.

I scoffed, crossing my legs and staring out the window with a frown, "I already have enough to deal with, I don't need another demon trying to hit on me"

He stared at me for a few seconds before looking back to the front with a scowl.

"Cocky bitch..." He grumbled, making me giggle silently and look over to a smirking Angel.

'At least I lightened the mood...'


After Travis dropped us off at Lucifer's mansion, Angel and I instantly were in awe.

"Dammmn... if I knew he had all this, I would have tried harder to seduce him..." The spider hummed, grinning.

I rolled my eyes and walked up to the front doors, giving a harsh knock.

We both stood there silently before the doors were thrown open by a frowning Charlie, who instantly grabbed Angel and I and pulled us inside at the speed of light.

She slammed the door shut, leaning against it as she let out a deep groan, "Thank goodness..."

Arching my brow, I crossed my arms and slightly nudged her shoulder for her to continue.


"We ran into bambi on the way here" Vaggie interrupted, growling as she leaned against the wall.

She looked PISSED, but more then her average pissed.

"Really? What happened?! Did you see-"

"No... just Alastor covered in tar..." Lucifer grumbled, rolling his eyes at the mention of The Radio Demon's name.

'Tar... tar, like blood but black, so it would be like To68's blood... was To68 alive? No, Alastor told me he killed him way back at the hotel...'

My head snapped back up to Lucifer, a frown on my lips, "You said he was covered in tar, yes?"

He nodded, so I continued, "I doubt he would have gotten himself dirty with any kind of liquid other then-"

"Blood, the tar was black blood" Charlie mumbled in realization, "Wasn't 68's blood black?"

"Exactly what I was thinking... but To68 is dead, sorta, and I don't remember having any other 'creations'..." I held my chin in thought, my legs beginning to move on their own.

Pacing back and force, I pondered the possibilities of having another possible demon companion... but who?!

"Why don't you just ask 68" Angel chirped, making my head dart in his direction.

"Angel!! You said you wouldn't tell anyone about that!!" I hissed, but sighed as the others piped in.

"You can still talk to 68?" Vaggie questioned, while I shrugged slightly.

"I-I've only done it a couple of times... even then, I still was unsure of how to do it..."

We all stood in silence before Lucifer sighed, rubbing his temples.

"Lets just go into the other room instead of waiting at the door" He powerwalked around the corner, Charlie, Vaggie, and I doing the same.

I turned when I realized Angel wasn't right behind us, "Ang? You coming?"

He didn't turn to me, he only stared at the window with bug eyes that made me silently snicker.

"Um, babe, I think you should see this" He whisper yelled, running back over to the door and throwing it open.

I sped over to his side, peering out the door with my eyebrow arched, but my face then fell...

"You were my creation..?" I whispered, covering my mouth as Jack slumped forward.

"Y-Yep... now... c-can I lay d-down..?" He grumbled, his teal eyes flickering a jet black.

Angel and I gently grabbed his arms and draped them over our shoulders, bringing him inside while shutting the door behind us.

Slowly, we made our way into, what a normal person would call a living room, getting the attention of the other three demons.

Charlie gasped, her and Vaggie immediately running over.

"Jack, I can't believe you made it..." Vaggie mumbled, looking down as Charlie helped us set the HEAVY demon on the couch.

The two females examined him as Angel and I sat on each side of his tired form, making him slightly... nervous.

"Your blood is... you're  (y/n)'s other creation..." Lucifer perked up, looking over at us from his chair in front of the fireplace.

"Yes... I-I am... I worked a-along side T-To68..." He sighed, then coughed.

I stared at him, then his large wings...

'And I can speak with you like this too...'

We both stared at each other for a few seconds before his arms wrapped around me tightly, dark tears slowly rolling down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry, mistress... p-please forgive me, I-I wanted to help y-you... but T-To68 wouldn't l-let m-me..." He whispered as I stroked his hair, trying to comfort him.

"While you two are doing all that, we need to-"

"There is no longer a 'we', I am not putting any of you in danger" I interrupted, looking up as Jack rested on my shoulder like a small child.

"But we've gone to far to go back now!!" Vaggie yelled, but went silent as I growled loudly.

"Alastor will kill you, it has happened before, and it will happen again if we keep this up!! I refuse to keep this game of cat and mouse going!! It is ridiculous and needs to stop now"

"B-But it would be cowardly to j-just surrender like this, m-mistress" Jack whispered into my shoulder, looking up at me.

I glanced at him, then sighed, "This is such a nightmare"

"Your in Hell, everyday is practically a nightmare, unless your one of the higher demons" Vaggie grumbled, crossing her arms.

'I am really starting to hate that mouth of hers'

Jack and I's eyes immediately widened, making the others cock their heads to the side.

'Is that-'

'Yes, its me you traitor'

'How do you-'

'What? How can I still speak with you even though I'm dead? GLAD YOU ASKED!!! Well, let me keep this simple... I'm not dead!!'

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