Chapter 10

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I was in full black this time, knowing it would be better if the others didn't find out about this from the news...

The couple turned abruptly, hearing the sound of my quiet giggle. Before they could even speak, I jumped forward. I slit the female's throat then shot the male, since I didn't have my own place torture was no longer an option.



I turned, pulling the mask off of my face with my eyebrow arched.

"What did you find?" I mumbled, watching his shocked expression turn stern. His eyes glowed a toxic purple, causing a bright glow.

"There are four demons coming in on the south entry of the alley just a block away, and there are another couple on their way from the east from... the opposite side of THIS alley..." He sighed, his iris's fading to their original color.

"Thanks for the info" I smiled, which he happily returned before disappearing.

'I'll take the demons from the south, mistress'

'I figured you would ya dingus'

He simply chuckled before going silent, basically telling me he was busy with those other demons.

After 68 and I's little 'spree', I changed into my 'entertainer' outfit while To68 just... snapped his fingers... then we both just went back to the hotel.

Angel immediately went after To68 and both of the girls grabbed my hands and dragged me into the lobby to just hang out.

But... I just couldn't shake the feeling that... I was being watched. And I knew it wasn't the eyes on the walls that were obviously posing as cameras, no, I mean... I felt as if another BEING was watching me.

Lets just say, that made me a bit anxious.

The three of us jumped as the front door was thrown open, I'm not sure why though because that door seems to be thrown open a lot in this fanfiction.


"DADDY'S HERE!!!" A voice yelled, making Charlie instantly jump up with a large smile... while Vaggie and I just down into our seats.

"Why is HE here..?!" I whisper yelled, earning a shrug from the girl beside me.

And of course, To68 came over to me to ask the same question I asked, "Why is HE here..?!"

I shrugged but grabbed his claw and quickly made my way over to the elevator, only to be stopped by Charlie.

"What? Its just my dad, calm down (n/n) and 68!!" She smiled, pushing the both of us beside Vaggie.

"Don't worry, mistress... if he tries anything, I wont hesitate to take a blow for you..." To68 whispered, making my eyes widen.

'He would really do that for me..?'

'Of course I would~'

I leaned my head on his arm with a small smile, which he happily returned before going back to his stern expression and standing in front of me protectively.

"SO!! How is my little girl doing? Any luck with this... hotel... of yours?" Lucifer questioned, not noticing the three of us quite yet.

"Oh, its going great!! We have more staff too!!!" She grinned while Vaggie and I froze, To68 just blocked me from the other's view.

"I've met you I believe, but what about this one..." Lucifer stepped forward, only for To68 to growl.

"To68... I don't think-"

"There you are (y/n)!! I thought you snuck away!!!" Charlie grabbed my arm with a soft smile and pulled me out from behind 68, only for me to be pulled back behind him.

"My apologies, but I would prefer if my mistress stays safe" 68 spoke lowly, growling slightly before I sighed.

"To68, I will be fine..." I smiled, my fluffy ears flattening against my head as I walked over to Charlie and Lucifer.

"Charlie, its four fifty-three~" I spoke in a singsong voice, making her face fall.

"R-Right... sorry, go ahead" I waved her off with a soft smile.

"Its fine, I wouldn't know how it felt to have a loving parent so I cant exactly say anything" They all blinked, shuffling uncomfortably.

"Well, that got dark fast" I turned, hearing Angel's voice, then chuckled lowly.

Nodding, I walked into the bar, waving to everyone before going backstage.

---Charlie's POV---((Short))---

I watched as (y/n) walked away with a frown, "Hm, wish she could have stayed a bit longer..."

"Was that a.. coworker, of yours?" Dad questioned, making me grin.

"YUP!! She's the entertainer at the bar!! She's also the one that To68 calls mistress" I smiled, but frowned as dad grabbed my arm.

"Dear... I think we should talk... in private"

---T068's POV---

As the two walked off I teleported into the bar, watching my mistress perform on stage. I have to admit, I never knew she was quite a little songbird.

I could feel eyes burn into the back of my head, but every time I turned... no one was there. Then whenever I looked back to the stage, the glare was back. It was actually starting to get on my nerves, so I stood... and walked out.

Out of the bar, out of the lobby, and out of this goddamn hotel.

I only was still here because it was the safest place for (y/n) to stay, if it wasn't for her, then I would be out of here in a flash.

As soon as I shut the door behind me, I was pinned to the wall with a knife at my throat.

I stared at the demon with wide eyes as their claws rose into the air and...

"HELP!!!" The knife was removed from my throat and my eyes then quickly snapped open wide, revealing-

"Don't take this too seriously, I'm only doing this because the angel would be upset if your scum ass died"

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