Sir Pentious x Reader

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((This had nothing to do with the story AT ALL, so it is just a quick oneshot requested by-

Linux Cipher


I had a lot of fun making this so i hope you enjoy!!))

---Your POV---

I grew bored, my shoulders slumped and my head dropped into Angel's lap lazily.

He instantly stopped what he was doing and stared at me with his eyebrow arched, "Bored?"

"There's nothing to do..!" Angel smirked and I growled as a warning, but he spoke his mind anyway.

"Why don't we go to a bar and find you something to-OW!!" I smacked the back of his head with a scowl before jumping up from a loud explosion.

The both of us stood with large grins, running out the hotel's door while passing a couple of confused females.

"We'll be back later!!!"

"TRY NOT TO BE TOO LOUD!!!!" Angel added, making both Charlie and Vaggie's faces turn bright red.

We both laughed, shutting the door before beating the crap out of some demon and taking his car, and speeding down the road.

We all ducked behind a building, Cherri and Angel snickering while I stared at the aircraft mischievously.

'Wonder what I could build out of all those spare parts...'

Not even a second later, we heard a hiss and abruptly turned, only to be met with a bat.

Surprisingly, Cherri I were able to dodge the attack, Angel... wasn't too lucky.

"SHIT!! Take Angel back to the hotel while I-"

Cherri was gone in a flash, Angel in her arms.

Cherri and I didn't really care for one another, hell, the only reason we ever met was because of Angel!! But that's a story for another time.

I got into a fighting stance, but then blacked out as a pipe hit the back of my head.

---3rd Person POV---


"We hit one of them, Boss!! But the fruit girl took her and ran away!! OH!! But we DID capture one!!" One of the Eggbois interrupted, making Pentious's eyebrow arch in confusion.

"What? But there are only two..." The Eggboi pointed behind him, making Pentious look over to the bagged, unconscious, possibly female from what he could tell, figure.

---Sir Pentious's POV---

I growled, slithering over to the sleeping demon with a scowl. Ripping the bag off of their head, I froze in place.

She was a female like I thought... and a beautiful one at that. Her (h/c) hair with vibrant (f/c) tips rested on her beautiful skin. Her white fox, I believe, ears slightly drooped, and her white tail twitched and flicked against her legs.

Only then did I notice her holster that held a white pistol, and her throwing knives strapped to her legs.


She then began to stir, small groans escaping her lips as her eyelids twitched.

My henchmen were about to hit her with the pipe once more, but her eyes shot wide and she jumped up, smacking her head against my own.

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