Chapter 41

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"I just need some space..." He turned, watching as the kitsune ran off.

"Well, go after h-"

Alastor quickly shoved his mic/staff in between the demon's eyes, killing him instantly.

"Shut up" He growled, unaware of the pair of eyes watching him with large grins.

"This'll do nicely~" The blonde female smirked, while the male just shrugged.

"I guess, but what if the girl doesn't like him-"

"Shut it, Tom"


---Your POV---

I sat at the edge of the old apartment complex... that's right...

The same exact place where Pentious, Charlie, Angel, Lucifer, and I stayed while hiding from Alastor.

"What 'wonderful' memories..." I grumbled sarcastically, gently taking my mask off.

"(Y/n)" I practically jumped out of my skin, yelping as I turned abruptly.

Jack chuckled, shaking his head before plopping down beside me.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned as he turned, rubbing his neck with a snicker.

"Well, I followed you-"

"Why though?" I grumbled, swinging my feet back and forth.

He shrugged, staring off into the distance, "I was curious where you were going... and what happened back there?"

"What, with Alastor?" I giggled, looking up at the red sky as my hood fell.

---3rd Person POV---

"Yeah, why was he being such a creepy, clingy, bastard?" (Y/n) turned with a frown and brought her hand up... then smacked the male in the back of the head.

"OW!! WHAT THE FUCK?!" He yelled, rubbing his head as the female fox smiled.

"Don't talk about him like that-"


The two turned, looking around for the noise's source, but saw nothing and shrugged it off.

As the two continued to talk, they were unaware of the red eyes glaring at them with fury.

"I'll kill that bastard"

---Your POV---

After Jack and I patrolled my territory for roughly an hour, we began to make our way back to the hotel.

"I see why all the guys are practically obsessed with you" Jack smirked, "Your quite the little badass~"

"Pfft, doubtful... I'm just like any other depressed bitch in this place" I sighed, making his face fall.

"Depressed? Your one of the most cheerful and confident people I know!!"

"But, we only met like a few days ago" He rolled his eyes with a sigh, speeding forward then stopping in front of me, taking ahold of my shoulders.

"Look, (y/n)... I know what you have been through... but know this..." He gently lifted my chin, smiling softly as he slightly tilted his head.

"Charlie, Vaggie, and Angel... as well as me... will help you get through it... and we swear, to never let anything like what happened before? Ever happen again..." He whispered, wrapping his arms around my shoulders as I sniffled, burying my face in his shoulder as I let a few stray tears roll down my cheeks.

My eyes then darted up, noticing something on the brick wall beside us.

'Is that..?'

It was.

Alastor's shadow slowly grew in size, towering over the dark figures that were our own shaded figures.

"J-Jack..." I mumbled, making him pull away with a innocent smile.


I was frozen in place, trembling as the red dapper demon stood at the end of the alleyway, a scowl on his lips.

Without words, I grabbed Jack's hand and swiftly ran around the corner, just as the shadow began to lunge forward.

"(Y-Y/N)?!?! WHAT ARE WE-" He stopped as he glanced behind him, seeing the source of my horror.

His eyes widened and he quickly sped up, picking me up and holding me bridle-style as we busted through the front door of the hotel.

---3rd Person POV---

The others turned, their eyebrows arched as Jack ran past, Alastor soon right on his tail.

Vaggie's face instantly fell, along with Charlie's, then Angel's.

The three looked at each other before standing up abruptly.

"I'll get my father"

"I'll grab my guns"

"I'll go after them and make sure Jack and (y/n) are safe"

"We'll meet at the center of the pentagram" Charlie said sternly before spinning on her heel and running into her office.

Angel and Vaggie looked at each other and nodded, going in separate directions.

"Don't worry (y/n), we're here for you, and we wont let you down"

((Hey... still sick, but meh... sorry its short))

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