Chapter 15

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"If I could get her on my side then she will have no reason to overthrow me!!" Charlie avoided his gaze with a nervous expression, silently sighing.


"But what if Alastor gets to her before we do?" I interrupted, Charlie nodded while Lucifer turned to me with a stern expression.

"Where is she"


---Your POV---

I sat in between To68 and Vaggie with a deadpan expression as Charlie nervously tried to explain the situation.

"-And w-when Vaggie heard Alastor in the elevator-"

"Charlie, I don't mean to be rude, but spit it out damnit... and where the fuck are we going?" I growled, my pupils turning to slits as my ears flattened against my head.

She gulped then shakily laughed, "Were going to my house! Yay..?"

'Que the record scratch'

"You both will be safer there, and besides!! I want to figure out how you and your friend came to be!!" Lucifer chuckled, tapping his finger on the cupholder.

"Don't you think we'll bring attention to ourselves like this?" To68 growled, staring out the darkened window of the limo.

Lucifer shrugged, a smirk tugging at his lips, "So what? The other demons aren't stupid enough to attack us like this-"

As if on que, the limo was tossed onto its side, causing all of us to yell out.

I snapped my eyes shut and curled up into a ball, whimpering.

It was silent, I felt no... pain?

Slightly opening my eyes, I gasped. We were all surrounded in my tails?

They all stared at me with shocked expressions as my tail turned back into one, returning us to the normal area.

Surprisingly, I had teleported us to the outside of the limo and shielded everyone... with my tails-THIS DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE!!!

"You were saying?!" I yelled, glaring at Lucifer with a scowl on my lips.

He shrugged before jumping back with Charlie and Vaggie as a robotic limb went in between us.

"Of course its this dipshit..." Vaggie growled, grabbing her spear.

'Where does she even keep that thing?'

I shrugged and slightly raised my dress and grabbed one of my knives while also grabbing my pistol. After hearing a wolf whistle, I looked over to the group of demons with a scowl.

"HEY BABY!!! WHAT ELSE DO YOU KEEP UNDERNEATH THAT DRESS?!?!" One called, making the rest of the small group laugh.

I then smirked before yelling back, "MAYBE GROW A PAIR AND ASK ME AFTERWARDS, YOU BASTARD!!!!"

To68 and Lucifer slapped their hands over their mouths, holding back their laughter while the other females stared at me bewildered and surprised.

The demon growled, but before he could say anything else he cowered in fear, the rest of his group doing the same.

As To68, Vaggie, Charlie, and Lucifer walked off towards the machine, I watched as the group disappeared. A flash went by, taking one at a time before all of them were gone.

'What the-'

"Don't you just hate it when the lower demons ruin the silence?" I heard a voice hiss in my ears before a rag covered my nose.

'Hold your breath... come on (y/n), don't breath!!!'

I struggled in the stranger's grip before my vision began to fade and finally go black, and right before everything went dark... I heard the voice whisper.

"What a strange creature..."

---Alastor's POV---

I sighed deeply, stretching out my limbs as I turned off all of my equipment.

'Its quiet'

The hotel had been silent for the past few hours actually, and my anxiousness only grew. I was more worried about my angel than anything...

'She didn't really leave did she? No, I must've scared her enough for her to know there was no escape...'

I rested my head in my hand as my thoughts began to drift off the foxy female. How I had managed to find such a jewel in this place was still unknown to me, though, I'm glad I did.

Leaning back in my chair, I sighed dreamily, grinning more genuinely than my usual one.

She was such an exquisite demon, giving her abilities and beautiful appearance.

Smirking, I reached into my desk drawer, "Wonder how soft her lips are..."

I pulled out the many photos of the female, gazing at them with half-lidded eyes while my thumb lovingly caressed one of the images.

Then, there was a loud slam, making me jump up. Growling, I placed the photos in my pocket and sped out of my room, shutting and locking the door behind me.

I stood behind a corner as Charlie, Vaggie, and that damn bodyguard sat in the lobby, frantically throwing things into the conversation.

The few words I caught onto practically made me yell out in anger.

(y/n), snake, and ...GONE?!?!

Casually, I walked into the lobby, catching the attention of the three demons. They all gave me a nervous smile as I glared at them, my smile now forced.

"I see that (y/n) is not with you, is she performing? I don't believe it is five quite yet" I questioned darkly, my hands clenched.

"She went out somewhere with Angel ag-"

"That's strange because I JUST saw Angel enter his room earlier" I interrupted Charlie's bluff, my smile slowly dropping into a scowl.

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