Chapter 45

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((This book is coming to an end!! Now is your chance to request!! What do you think my next book should be? Tell me in the comments!!!))


Jack and I's eyes immediately widened, making the others cock their heads to the side.

'Is that-'

'Yes, its me you traitor'

'How do you-'

'What? How can I still speak with you even though I'm dead? GLAD YOU ASKED!!! Well, let me keep this simple... I'm not dead!!'


---Alastor's POV---

I paced back in forth, hand under my chin as I continued plot.

"How shall I get inside of the mansion without them noticing..? I cannot simply waltz through the front door like a fool..."

Then, an idea came to me, making a grin creep onto my lips.

I sped into my 'recording room' and sat at my desk, summoning my mic and putting it in front of me.

Chuckling, I stopped, setting my mic to the side and leaning back in my chair with a smirk.

"Now... all we do is wait~"

---Your POV---

"So... basically, you are dead... but your spirit is still present?" I questioned, earning a chuckle from Lucifer.

"That's not how-"

"Yes, basically I'm a ghost" Angel yelped as To68's voice bud in, his figure slowly appearing before us.

"I just never said anything before~" He cooed, 'sitting' beside me and draping his arm over my shoulders.

I shivered, his touch was felt colder then lying in three feet of snow!!

He noticed me shiver and smirked, making my gut sink, disgust written all over my face.

"How are you not just going through the couch?!" Angel squeaked, making To68 roll his eyes with an annoyed scowl.

"I can go between forms, you moron" Angel stared at him for a few seconds before crossing his arms and turning away, his expression unreadable.

'Well, that was just-'



Charlie stood, about to walk towards the front door, till To68 chuckled.

"I wouldn't answer that~" He spoke in a sing-song voice, almost mockingly.

Charlie eyes went as wide as saucers, a lump visible in her throat. Just as she was about to reply, Vaggie stood, spear in hand.

"I'll go see who it is Charlie, you stay here" She whispered, but I was able to catch her few words and almost DIED!!!




Holding back my inner fangirl, I stood, forcing a stern expression on my face.

"What if it's Alastor?"

"What if it isn't?" She argued, making her way to the front door.

To68 said nothing and stood, following after Vaggie and out of our view.

We listened closely, practically on the edge of our seats as the door creaked open.



The entire room filled with smoke, instantly making us break into a coughing fit.

I rubbed my eyes as they watered, my coughing beginning to grow a bit more harsh.

"I FOUND HER!!" I small... dopey... strangely familiar voice yelled, a short... round shadow coming into my foggy view.

---3rd Person POV---

As the others attempted to find the source of the explosion, (y/n) was left in the smoke... coughing and wheezing before being knocked unconscious with a wooden bat.

She fell to the floor like a ragdoll, a loud thud echoing throughout the room... catching the attention of the other demons in the house-er... mansion.

But, as the smoke finally cleared, they discovered...

She was gone

---With your unconscious body XD---

After the Eggboiz managed to bring the mysterious bag back to Sir Pentious's airship, they dragged the sack to their boss's office with proud smiles on their faces.

"We got 'er boss!!" One of the Eggboiz chirped, making the snake turn with a large grin.

"Finally, you're usssseful for ssssomething!!" He laughed, slithering over to the bag his small creations held.

He shooed them away, untying the sack and opening it up to reveal, an unconscious (y/n).

---Sir Pentious's POV---

'He certainly has a good taste in women...'

I shook off the thought and wrapped my arms underneath her, picking her up bridle style.

As quietly and carefully as I could, I slithered out of my office and to a spare room, setting her on the bed and swiftly leaving before she could stir.

I shut the door, then locked it while letting out a breath I hadn't realized I was even holding.

"I ssssuppose I should contact the Radio Demon and inform him of the female'sss whereaboutsss-"

"No need"

My face practically drained from any color, a lump caught in my throat as I turned to the crimson serial killer.

I then swiftly straightened my posture, flaring my hood with a scowl, "How did you get here?"

"I followed those little... things... as soon as I heard them rambling on about how their boss was receiving a large amount of 'cash' for capturing a 'girl' for 'a crazy Radio man'..." He grumbled, looking over at my henchmen who cowered in the corner, trembling.

I rolled my eyes, but froze as he continued, "Though, I am not very pleased with how they captured her"

He slowly turned back to me, his grin vanishing and turning into a frown... a low growl erupting from his throat.

"Dragging my vixen across cracked, dirty, pavement in a cramped bag?! Well, that certainly will reduce your payment~" He chuckled, his sinister, dark, grin returning.

"WHAT?!?! By how much?!" I yelled as he tapped his chin, as if he were in thought.

He then smirked, looking back down at me, "Well, to zero of course~"

My jaw dropped, my arms going limp at my sides as he walked past me.

"But, I am pleased that you took her away from those filthy idiots, so I will at least let you live~" I blinked, turning abruptly as he picked the lock on the door and walked in the room with the sleeping female fox demon.

Swiftly, I darted to the doorway, about to enter till I saw him sitting beside her... grinning with half-lidded eyes.

"Those morons won't get in my way now~" He chuckled, caressing her cheek with his thumb.

'I think this may have been a mistake...'

((Sorry everyone for the weird chapter and updating so late!! I keep getting distracted with... stuff? 1.) I think I may have a new allergy and probably need to go see a doctor, 2.) I'm working on my female Alastor cosplay, 3.) I have to figure out whether or not people are still in the art competition!!))

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