Chapter 25

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I bit my lips, then smiled softly, "Okay, I'll give it a chance..."

He fist pumped the air, laughing while repeating 'yes'.

He then abruptly turned to my and grabbed my waist before raising me into the air and spinning me around, then... he brought me into a tight embrace, digging his face into the crook of my neck with a smile.

"Thank you..." He whispered, while I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck.

'SO!! Now I just have to remember how to travel back to when he first started acting strange-well, stranger then normal... yeah, no problem...'


I sighed, knocking on the door of the 'Happy Hotel'. Alastor stood behind me with a sinister grin, ready to lash out at anyone who dared give me even a wink.

"Al, calm down" He looked at me with his eyebrow arched before smirking with the shrug of his shoulders.

The door slowly opened, revealing an upset Charlie, She was looking down, and clearly hadn't realized it was me.

"Sorry... The Happy Hotel is closed for-"

"Charlie, its me" She instantly looked up with wide eyes, and grinned.

"(Y/N)!!!" She yelled, tackling me to the ground with a squeal.

I heard Alastor growl, and Charlie and I instantly looked up.

"Chill, Alastor, she's my friend, they all are" He grunted, looking away as Charlie glared at him.

The door then was fully thrown open by the feminine spider we all know and love, "YOU!!!"

He then noticed me, and grinned, "(Y/n)..?"

I stood, Charlie still gripping onto my torso, "Yep!!"

Angel then wrapped his arms around my shoulders with a... ahem, squeal, "YOUR BACK!!!"

"YOU CAN GO BACK IN TIME?!?!?!?!" They all yelled, except for Alastor of course who stood beside me with a scowl.

We both held our ears, glaring at the others with frowns.

"Yes, I can, but I've only done it once..." I mumbled as Angel rambled on.

"So that's why you were freaking out that one day!! You know, saying 'you need to leave' and 'my sugarbear's going to die'-"

"I never said that"

"Yeah, yeah-WAIT!! So your saying... your going to go back and time, and actually get into a relationship with this ASS-I mean... strawberry pimp?"

"That's not any better, AND YES!! Yes, we discussed it in the forest and she decided to give me a second chance and she wanted Charlie and Vaggie to get tog-" I instantly slapped my hands over Alastor's mouth with a nervous smile, meanwhile, Charlie's face was cherry red and Angel was fawning over the ship idea.

"I still need to figure out how to go back" I crossed my arms, glancing at Alastor before looking back at the others.

"Well, how did it happen lasssst time?" Pentious questioned, slithering over to me.

Alastor growled, but calmed down as I held his hand behind my back.

"Calm... down..." I whispered with a small smile, earning a low chuckle from him.

I turned back to Pentious with a frown, "Well, last time, whenever To68 was JUST about to die, he saw me watching in an alley and mentally told me to go tell Charlie-"

"You can read people's minds?" Lucifer questioned, earning a sigh from me.

"No, but 68 could read my mind and we could both speak to each other, ANYWAY!! I went to go tell Charlie what had happened, when I ran into... Lucifer" He tilted his head as I glared at him.

"Long story short, Lucifer scared the shit out of me, and I got trapped in an elevator with Alastor..." I trailed off with a frown, but when I looked up, they were all glaring at Al while Angel was dying of laughter.

"I WOULD NEVER!!!" Alastor yelled, his eyes wide.

I giggled, "No, he didn't do that, but... then again, I wasn't really conscious to know..."

"What do you-" Everything then became fuzzy, their words disoriented 

'I took control of you, and while I was in control, Alastor killed you'

'Why are you NOW deciding to speak?'

'The Author forgot about me'

'Oh... well, that happens I guess... WAIT-'

"DID YOU SAY ALASTOR KILLED ME?!?!"  I instantly slapped my hands over my mouth, my eyes wide.

"Did I say that out loud..?" I nervously laughed, while Al stared at the ground deep in thought.

"What was that all about?" Charlie questioned, making me nervously laugh while rubbing my arm...

"I was... talking with To68..." Their jaws dropped, and Al, well he looked furious... and was failing to hide it.

'Mistress? Can I try something?'

---Alastor's POV---

I growled, but looked forward as I felt a tap on my shoulder.

Just as I turned, I jolted back in pain. The red hand mark on my cheek now beginning to show as I stared at (y/n) wide eyed.

"THAT!! Was for killing me and making my mistress miserable"  Her eyes turned black, one showing a purple pupil while the other appeared to have a white pentagram in the center.

'Ah!! I see what she meant now...'

"(Y/n)-WOAH!!! YOUR EYES!!!" Angel grinned, grabbing her shoulders.

My hand clenched into a fist, but I sighed and mumbled 'its fine' over and over...

'She is mine!! She... sort of, said it herself..!'

"Sssso you really CAN take her over... ssstrange..." Sir Pentious, or the filth, hissed while crossing his arms, "But, how do we ssssend her back in time-"

"We have to kill her"  She-He? shrugged while my face fell.

"Kill her?! Are you mad?!?! No-"

"Calm down!! She'll be fine just as long as you don't go overboard..."  THEY interrupted, making me growl.

"What do you mean, 'as long as I don't go overboard', I'm not going to KILL the woman I love!!" I yelled, crossing my arms with a scowl.

"But it HAS to be you, and you've already done it before soooo... yeah"  They looked down in thought before snapping their fingers with a grin.

"I know what to do!!"  They ran out of the room, then came back with a bottle and a smirk plastered on their face.

HER eyes turned back to normal as she stared at me, "Drink this"

I shook my head, "What is that?"


Love Killer (Yandere! Alastor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now