7- Grown .

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Ariana Fletcher


1 month later

"Happy birthday !!" I hear my dad and Bri scream as i'm sleep.

I open my eyes and see that I'm surrounded by balloons and gifts.

"Awe, y'all really went out your way and did all this for me? Thank y'all so much" I said pulling them into hugs.

"You're so welcome" Briana said.

"Ok, get ready.. we going out for breakfast" My dad said then left the room.

Bri left along with him.

I got my phone from under my pillow and checked all my notifications. I had 400+.

Ain't no way in hell I was opening all of them.

I get a FaceTime call from Ace and answer it.

"Happy birthday airhead" He said and I smiled.

"You woke up thinking bout me.. but thank you" I said smiling.

"Girl, get yo geeked ass on" He said and I chuckled.

"So, what's the move?" He said and I shrugged.

"I low-key forgot it was my birthday, I didn't plan anything" I said then yawned.

"I gotchu.." He said and I smiled.

"But, I gotta get ready for brunch I guess.. ima see you later" I said and then we hung up.

I got out my bed and do the daily then look through my closet.

the fit ya feel me

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the fit ya feel me..

I go fix my hair then spray my perfume. I walk out my room and see them waiting for me on the couch.

"Ready?" My dad said and I nodded.

at the restaurant

As we were waiting my phone buzzed in my hand. I checked it and choked on air.

"Excuse me" I said walking out the restaurant to answer my call.

"Happy birthday Ariana" My mom said and I shook my head.

"Why are even still in contact with me, you kicked your 17 year old daughter out of the house that I helped pay bills in. You kicked me out over a nigga.. he tried to rape me and you didn't even care. Fuck you, you can take your sorry ass birthday wish back" I said then hung up.

I was so cold hearted due to the hurt I was holding in for so many years now, and I learned that pain is real, but so is hope.

I walked back inside and found them seated at a table.

"Can I start you off with any drinks?" The waiter Becca asked.

"Pink Lemonade" I said scanning the menu.

ArianaWhere stories live. Discover now