23- Coffee ?

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Ariana Fletcher


I wake up at 8 and see Ace still sleep. I roll my eyes at him and give him the middle finger even though he can't see it.I walked to bathroom did the daily. Then I put my slides on and grabbed my bag and my other items. 

The moving people called a little before 8 and said all my furniture was in the apartment, and so were my boxes and shit. I'm grown grown bitch.

I grabbed my phone then looked around the room one more time.

"Bye Ace, See you in 4 years" I said with a smile.

"Ari stop playing with me" He mumbled.

"Im so serious, I go to college tomorrow. I'm moving in today. Not that you even care" I said then looked down at my feet.

He sat up in the bed and looked at me in pure sadness. 

"Don't leave yet" He said then walked to the bathroom. 

I sighed then sat on the chaise. I scrolled through my feed and liked and commented on pictures and videos.

Ace came out the bathroom then walked up to me with a bag in his hands.

"What's that for?" I mumbled.

"You" He said dropping it in my lap.

I opened the bag and saw bands of money. I gasped then looked up at him. 

"Marquise I can't take this" I said and he sucked his teeth.

"I'm not letting you leave without it" He said and I stood up and looked at his face.

"Okay" I said then looked away from him.

He grabbed my chin then forced me to look at him. I rolled my eyes then put my hand on my hip looking at him.

"I'm sorry ma" He said pulling me closer to him.

"No, i'm sorry for trusting you alone" I said then walked away.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him. He leaned in and kissed me, I was hesitant but eventually gave in and kissed back. Once I released the kiss I stared at his lips.

"I'm not even mad at you, this not nothing like a break up. Ain't shit bout space. Just wait for me, and please be patient" I said and he wiped his face.

"Aight" He said then helped me with my bags down the stairs.

I closed my trunk then stood like 5 feet away from Ace. 

I felt like crying but ima boss ass bitch.

I walked up to him and hugged him for god knows how long. I released from the hug and saw his eyes were glossy.

"I love you" He said and I smiled.

"I love you too" I said then backed away a lul bit. 

I waved him bye and got in my car driving away. 

I drove to my new apartment which was only 15 minutes away from Ace's house. We done said bye for no damn reason, we right around the corner. 

I pulled up and saw the apartment complex. I smiled then got out my car and grabbed my bags then walked in the building. 

"Good morning Ms. Fletcher" The lady said. I said Gm back then took the elevator to the 10th floor. 

Once I got to my floor I went straight to my door. I put my key in and saw boxes everywhere. My furniture was in the places I told them I wanted. I smiled then started twerking.

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