14- Wait !

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Marquise Dale


I woke up at around 6 and looked to my side and saw a naked Ariana.

"Aye, get up we got school" I said but she didn't move.

"Ariana" I said pulling the covers of her.

I started kissing her thighs and she smiled in her sleep.

"Mm stop bae" She said obviously sleep talking.

I licked her clit and her eyes shot open. I began to eat her out and she moaned.

"Ok.. i'll get up" She said in between moans.

I stopped and she sat up in the bed and checked her phone and saw it was 6:15.

She got out the bed, but fell right back down.

"Shit" She mumbled and I laughed at her ass.

"I hate you" She said getting up limping to the bathroom.

I heard the shower running, so I went inside my closet to find an outfit. I picked out a black plain T, some white ripped jeans, and some jordan's.

I walked in the bathroom and saw Ari getting out wrapping her towel around her. She brushed her teeth then walked out.

I took a shower and smiled reminiscing last night. Once I got out I wrapped a towel around my waist then brushed my teeth and walked in my room.

I saw Ari putting on some sweats, a tank top and some slides. She grabbed her shades, then put on one of my hoodies and smiled.

She grabbed her phone then walked down the stairs and I got dressed.

Once I finished i came down the stairs and she looked up at me and we walked out the house.

She got in the passenger seat and fell asleep on my lap. I shook my head chuckling then drove off seeing we had 15 minutes to be at school.

I pulled up and parked then rubbed her booty. "Get up" I said and she slowly sat up and put on her glasses.

She got out the car and walked inside the school while I followed behind her.

I met up with my niggas Jordan, Maurice, and Derrick.

"Why Ari look so bummy?" Maurice said and I bit my tongue.

"She said she slept bad" I said lying and he nodded.

"You ain't hit yet?" Derrick said and I shook my head no.

That ain't my place to tell everybody what the fuck me and Ari be doing.

"Aight, dad said come to the trap after school and drop Ari off at his" He said to me and the group.

We nodded and went our separate ways.

I walked in my first period and saw Ari staring at nothing just smiling.

I laughed to myself and went to sit down in my seat.

Rasheeda walked in the class late and everybody was looking at her.

She sat down next to Ari and she rolled her eyes.

"Boo bitch" Ari said looking at her.

"Yo mouth getting real slick" Rasheeda said and Ari laughed.

"Do it look like I give a fuck?" She said and Rasheeda rolled her eyes.

After a while the bell rung and we all left the classroom.

last period

I walked in the gym with my niggas, and scanned the room and saw Bri and Ari talking and laughing on the bleachers.

We all went up there and sat next to them.

"Hey baby" Maurice said kissing Bri.

"Hey bae" She said back.

Ari rolled her eyes cause she always third wheeling.

"Hey mama" I said and she turned around and smiled.

"Hey daddy" She said loud enough for only me to hear.

I smirked and she laid in between my legs and got on her phone as usual.

"What the fuck Ace!" I heard.

I looked around and saw a mad Ciara. I rolled my eyes and mumbled something under my breath.

"I lost my baby, and you cuddled up with a bitch I don't like" She said walking up the bleachers.

She stood between us and Jordan was laughing his ass off.

"Bitch he obviously don't fuck with you" Derrick said sucking his teeth.

Ciara ran her tongue across her top row of teeth and frowned a little bit.

"You not pregnant no more?" Ari said and she said nope popping the P.

"Cool" Ari said then kicked Ciara causing her to stumble down the bleachers.

The whole gym was laughing at her dumbass.

"Fuck you, watch y'all back!!" She said storming out the gym with tears in her eyes.

"Ari you ain't shit" Bri said laughing.

"Ion give 2 fucks, she always fucking with me" She said then got back on her phone.

"Alright! Everybody in the locker rooms" Coach Smith said and everybody got up.

Ari opened her arms and I rolled my eyes picking her ass up.

She was playing with my ears as I carried her. I put her down as I got to the girls locker room.

I walked to mine then went inside and saw a group of gay niggas twerking. I shook my head and looked away.

I walked to my locker and got changed. Then walked right back out.

I seen Ari on the bleachers alone looking down at her fingers. I walked over towards her and she smiled.

"What took you so long?" She said and I squinted my eyes.

"Ari we the only ones out here nigga.. It took me a minute" I said and she laughed.

"My body hurt" She mumbled.

"I'm sorry baby" I said with a smile.

She rolled her eyes.

hours later

"Hey family" Ari said walking in my OG house.

"Hey baby" My mama said hugging her.

Everybody else said hey then my dad pointed to the door.

"Aight y'all" I said then we left.

We got in the range rover and drove to the trap. Jordan and Derrick was spotted getting out they cars.

I got out and walked inside after knocking.

I walked down to the basement and saw the man tied down to a pole. He looked drained as fuck.

"Look if you gonna kill me, just do it. I told you I didn't rape that girl" He cried out.

"What you talking bout mane?" I said staring at him confused.

"Ariana, she just my step daughter.. I didn't rape her I swear.. is that why i'm here?" He said and my eyes turned black.

"I know you ain't touch my baby nigga" I said taking my gun off safety.

"Wait!" He said and I put my gun down.

My dad walked in with a serious facial expression.

"This yo last fucking chance to tell me where yo wife at" My dad said and he hesitated to get the truth out.

"She in Chicago, the address is ..."





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