15- Missing .

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Ariana Fletcher


"Which color should I get?" I said walking to Marquise who was sitting down waiting for me to get my nails done.

He pointed to a red and I nodded and walked back to the nail station.

As Lee was doing my nails she started conversation.

"That's yo boyfran?" She said as she drilled my nails.

"Nah, that's just someone i'm close to" I said.

She nodded.

"He real handsome" She said and I started laughing.

"Yup, he's a charm" I said smiling without teeth.

After about 45 minutes she finished and I pulled out my wallet to pay. Before I could hand her my card, Marquise dropped a 50 on the counter and we walked out.

"Thank you" I said looking down at my nails.

"They gone look real good, when you wrap em around my dick" He said as he drove.

"Oh for real?" I said smirking.

"Nah fa fake" He said with a smirk.

He pulled into his driveway and I got out the car. I waited till he unlocked the door and walked inside.

I walked up the stairs and went to his room and laid down on my belly on my phone.

I felt the bed sink, meaning Marquise was laying down beside me.

The question that Lee asked me constantly popped up in my head.

I bit my bottom lip then looked down at my nails.

"What are we Marquise?" I said avoiding eye contact.

"I mean, you coo people and I fuck with you, you beautiful, mean, and smart as hell. But I don't see myself in a relationship with you" He said and my butterflies vanished.

"Wow" I said getting up out the bed getting my purse.

"Ari" He said and I held my hand up stopping him from talking.

I walked out the house and slammed the door behind me. As I was walking towards my car I heard footsteps.

"Ace leave me-" I cut myself off as a black cloth stopped my breathing.

Everything went black ..


I ran after her down the stairs, but when I got out there she was gone.

I pulled out my phone and called her but it went straight to voicemail.

"Typical petty shit.." I mumbled

I looked in my driveway and saw her car was still here.

"This nigga walked or some shit?" I said to myself.

I got in my car and drove around the block, seeing she wasn't no where to be found.

I drove off to my OG house and Destini opened the door.

"Tell Ari to come here mane" I said and she looked at me confused.

"Ari isn't here.." She said and I sucked my teeth.

"Stop covering for her dawg" I said and she kept the same confused look.

I realized she was serious, so I ran inside the house to my dads office.

I saw Ari dad, my crew, and my OG.

"Ari missing yo" I said out of breath.

"The fuck you mean she missing?" her dad said standing up.

"How she went missing?" They said in unison.

"I said some shit that made her mad, then she left but before I could go outside she was gone my nigga. Her car was still there, but that was the only thing there. No clues, nothing" I said and My dad got up.

"Get the fuck up nigga!" He said as we watched him get up.

We walked out the office and heard screaming.

"What you mean my sister missing?!" Bri said pacing back and forth.

We walked out and got in our cars driving to the trap.

I ran red lights, damn near caused a wreck just to get to the trap.

I pulled up and ran out and knocked.

"Ayo, where Freddie at?!" I yelled causing everyone to freeze, even the music.

He came around the corner with his laptop.

"Track down Ariana Fletcher" My OG said with base in his voice.

He did as told and I watched him. I already knew my eyes was black as fuck, but ion give a fuck. 

"They threw her phone out, it's located in a deserted area" He said and I punched the wall.

"Take it easy man" Derrick said and I shook my head.

The trap phone started ringing and I quickly went over to answer it.

I put it on speaker and started hearing swears and screaming.

"You want your girl back, give me back what's mine" I heard a voice say.

"Lemme speak to her" I said and they said no.

I said it again with base in my voice and they did as told.

"A-ace help me please" Ari said in whimpers.

"I am baby, I promise" I said with my voice cracking.

"It's C-Cia-" The line cut off and I threw the phone on the floor walking out the door.

I got in my car and started punching shit, letting my anger out.

I texted the group chat.

City Boys Bihh (don't mind the name, Jordan gay ass put dat)

load y'all straps..

Jordan😈: fashoo, what we doing ?

Maurice💪🏿: aight nigga .. but do you know where we going ?

Derrick🦍: bet , we otw outside .

I sighed then cut my phone off.

"Nigga you so fucking stupid!" I shouted in anger.

Seconds later, the crew came out and I started the car as they loaded inside.

"We got yo dumbass a mask" Derrick said tossing it to me.

I slightly nodded and pulled off. 

"Where we going?" Maurice asked.

"I'm on a killing strike, they gone know what the fuck i'm on. I'm killing they whole family with no remorse" I said and Jordan smiled.

"Oh yeaaa" He said aiming his gun at the window.

My shit was tinted, if it wasn't I would have beat his ass.

I pulled up to Ciara mama house and we all got out and took our guns off safety.

I broke open the door and they all looked terrified.

We all busted clips in all they asses. 

"Wait, please what did we do?" Ciara mama said and I lowered my gun.

"Yo daughter a bitch" I said before shooting her in the head.

I trailed gasoline all over and lit that bitch up.

"Next, Rasheeda" I said then closed the door to my car.





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