28- Unbreak My Heart .

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Destini Dale

A R I A N A 

@ the police station

"State your full name" An officer said.

"You know that, fuck you" I said with a mug. 


"You know that, fuck you" I said again.

"Phone number" 

"Stop asking me questions you already fucking know" I said then rolled my eyes.

He sighed then pointed to someone behind the glass.

"Stand here, and look at the camera" He said and I slowly walked to where I was directed.

"Where is my sister?" I spat out.

"The other room" He said and I looked away from him.

I took my mugshot then they took me to an interrogation room.

"What happened today at the time 7:51?" They asked me.

"Fore I start talking, I'm fucking thirsty get me some damn water" I said and they rolled their eyes and someone got me a cup of water.

I gulped it all down then looked at them with a smile.

"Answer the question" He said.

"I want my lawyer" I said then folded my arms.

"You can go home, be back when you have your lawyer" He said and I grabbed my shit then left.

I walked past officers but stopped once I seen Ace behind a glass sitting down with his face in his hands.

I stared at him for like ever and got a flashback.


He went into park and began eating.

"You wanna play 21 questions, I'm bored as hell" I said then ate a fry.

"It don't matter, ask away" He said and I nodded then kicked my feet up on the dashboard.

"Get yo tiny ass feet off my shit" He said and I rolled my eyes putting them down. I was gone say some disrespectful ass shit but remembered this was his car I was in.

I put my feet on his lap and he looked at them then looked at me.

"Nigga, you lucky yo feet pretty" He said and I laughed.

"But nah for real, how old you is?" I asked.

"18" He said and I nodded.

"How old you is?" He said and I told him I was 17.

"What's yo body count?" I said and he chuckled then sipped his drink.

"Too many to count" He said and I shook my head.

"What's yours?" He said and I smiled and stuck up 1 finger.

"Who been clapping cheeks?" He said and I laughed.

"You wouldn't know" I said and he shook his head.

-Flashback over-

"It was a lot to count huh, just can't keep yo dick in yo pants" I said to myself then walked out and saw Bri sitting down.

"Bitch, I was trynna get you but them hoes said no" She said walking up to me.

"Girl, I'm so over this shit" I said then walked out the police station.

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