22- Body Party .

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Maurice Dale

B R I A N A 

"Those shoes cute huh?" I said pointing to the red bottoms. 

"They are.. the price not though" Ariana said as she picked them up checking the price.

"Right" I said laughing.

"I can't believe you moving out tomorrow" I said with a pout.

"I can't believe it either" Ari said smiling. 

"How did Marquise take it?" I asked and she rolled her eyes as we left out the store.

"He said he was proud of me due to college, but when I said I was moving into my own house he thought I was gone leave his ass forever. Plus 4 years will be over quicker than you know it." She said with a mug.

I chuckled then shook my head. I felt my phone vibrate in my hand so I looked down at it and saw it was my baby.

I answered the call and saw him twerking in the camera. A smile immediately appeared on my face and I started laughing.

"Baby you stupid" I said and he turned around laughing.

"What you doing?" He asked me.

"Tell him to mind his muthafuckin business" Ari said as we ate chinese food.

"Ariana shut the fuck up!" He said and I laughed at them going back n forth.

We soon said bye then Ari and I continued talking. 

"My birthday in 15 days" I said sticking my tongue out.

"Period pooh, what you doing?" She said then ate some rice.

"I'm turning 18.. so I was thinking a hotel party. It'd be me, you, my girl Lala, maurice, marquise, and they friends derrick and jordan" I said and she raised a eyebrow.

"Lala?" She said and I sucked my teeth.

"Yes bitch, you'll meet her soon" I said and she shrugged.

3 hours later

A C E 

"Ayo, lets hit the club tonight" Jordan said and I shook my head no.

"Stop being a lul bitch, just cause you gotta girlfriend. Just stay loyal while we out" He said and Derrick chuckled.

"I heard Lala gone be there" Jordan said and Derrick shrugged.

"I'll go with you" Derrick mumbled.

Jordan smirked then looked at me and Maurice.

"Come on, y'all going" Jordan said and I sighed.

"Does this stupid fuck not get that I don't wanna go" I said looking at Derrick and Maurice.

Ariana walked down the stairs with shorts on and went into a shock once she saw us downstairs. 

"Ian know y'all was here" She mumbled then walked in the kitchen.

"Put on some damn clothes!" I shouted.

"Boy, kiss my ass" She said back.

"Boy? Ima grown ass man"I said.

"You don't act like one" She said and I sucked my teeth.

"Bri gone kill me if I go" Maurice said and Jordan mugged us.

"Y'all some bitches, y'all going" He said then sat down.

"You going somewhere?" Ariana asked me while leaning on the wall eating some grapes.

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