24- Pregnant ?

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Lala Smith

D E R R I C K 

"Go to the store and get me some condoms real quick please" Jordan said and I sucked my teeth.

"You got some condom money?" I said and he looked at with the really nigga face. 

"I'm just fucking witchu" I said laughing.

I got up and grabbed my keys and walked out the door. I got in my Rolls Royce then drove to CVS. I pulled up and some homeless dude was holding a cup out looking down. 

I dropped a 50 in there and he looked up at me. 

"Thank you sir, god will bless you" He said and I nodded.

I walked through the automatic doors and went to the isle with condoms. I grabbed a box and then smelt familiar perfume. I looked at the female and she looked up and saw me. My heart started beating fast and we both started smiling.



She looked at the box of condoms in my hand then back at me. I awkwardly smiled.

"These aren't mine, it's for Jordan" I said and she laughed a lul bit.

I looked down in her hand and saw a pregnancy test. I low-key got sad asf.

"So.. you pregnant?" I said and she laughed.

"What- oh- no, these aren't mine it's for my sister" She said and I nodded.

"Let me take you out" I said licking my bottom lip. 

I know thats her weakness, I know everything that's happening in her body right now.

"Sure, I'd really like that" She said with a smile. 

"You still got my number?" I asked and she nodded.

"I'll see you then" She said about to walk away.

I grabbed her arm and crashed my lips into hers. I let my arms go around her body while her hands were holding onto the front of my pants. I nibbled on her bottom lip causing her to open her mouth. I slid my tongue in her mouth and let our tongues battle each other.

She released smiling. 

"Bye Derrick" She said smiling walking away.

I bit my lip then smiled my ass off.

After I paid for my stuff I went back to Jordan's house. I knocked on the door and he opened it and snatched the bag away from me.

"Bitch you betta take it right" I said mugging him.

"Appreciate it" He said then put the bag on the counter.

"I saw Lala at CVS, just know I'm getting my baby back" I said smiling sitting on the couch.

"Awe it's about time" He said dancing.

"Yo ass cannot dance" I said laughing.

"Stop hating" He said with a mug.

"You think Ace told Ari what his punk ass did?" Jordan said shaking his head.

"Ion think so, I told him to. That shit embarrassing" I said and Jordan nodded.

"I would never do that to my girl" Jordan mumbled.

"Damnnn.. you still with that chick Tierra? Y'all been together for 4 years" I said and he nodded.

"Cheating don't even be crossing my mind, but I mean shidd" He said and I nodded in agreement.

"Bruh, I think I got her pregnant" He added.

"Damn, you finna be a father nigga" I said smiling. 

"We don't know that shit yet" He said.


I pushed my cart around Walmart getting groceries and appliances for my kitchen and other necessities. As I was walking down the isle I noticed Tierra. She turned around towards me and as usual a smile formed on her face.

"Hey girl" She said.

"Hey boo, what you doing here?" I asked.

"Trying to fix my diet, I so happen to be pregnant" She said and my eyes lit up.

"Oh my god, congratulations" I said smiling.

"Thanks girl, ima have to move out my dorm and move in with my boyfriend for a while though" She said with a sigh.

"Oh okay, if you need anything let me know" I said and she nodded and we shared a hug.

I continued my shopping and spending on miscellaneous items. 

Once I finished I had a whole cart full of stuff. My total came out to $750 and that's fucking crazy.

I put all of my bags in my trunk then got in the drivers seat and relaxed my arms. I looked at the time seeing it was 9 in the afternoon. I drove home and parked in the parking garage.

Ace 🖤

wassup mamas, you straight ?

Yeah, I'm okay.

you finished packing ?


aight, jus checking on you. Have a good first day tomorrow, I love you.

thank you, and i love you too.

I sent my last text then got out the car. I got a trolley then put all my bags on there then walked inside. I got on the elevator then waited to get on my floor.

When the doors opened I got off and rolled the trolley to my door. I looked down and saw a bouquet of red roses in a vase on my doorstep. I looked around confused then picked them up.

I brung everything inside then read the note attached to the gift.

nothing can separate the two of us baby - M 

I smiled and reread the note over and over again. I shook my head then started unloading my groceries into the refrigerator. I put my bathroom appliances/ items in place then got settled for bed.

I laid in the bed on my phone while Madea was playing on the tv. I soon got an incoming call from my dad. 

"Hey dad" I said putting the phone on speaker.

"Wassup babygirl, how you doing by yourself? You know you wanna come back" He said with a little laugh. It sounded like he was surrounded by the lul ol group.

"No, I do not wanna come back. I'm straight while you niggas laughing at me" I said with a laugh.

"Tell Ari I said she can suck my dick" Jordan said and my dad snapped on him. 

"If you had one then maybe it would be possible" My dad said and I laughed.

"My G" I said smiling.

"Sister, i'm coming to visit soon" Bri said and I said okay.

"Aight, but ima let you do yo thang bye" My dad said.

"Ok, Lo-" I sucked my teeth. 

Nigga always hanging up when I show some love.





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