Scn Maedhros kissing his s/o for the first time

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Hey! Could you write something about Maedhros kissing his s/o for the first time? Thanks!


Winter descended over Himring once again, blanketing everything in white. It would have been beautiful if it wasn't for the freezing temperatures which it brought with it. As a human, you particularly felt this, but you didn't let this show, you didn't want to look weak in front of all these strong elves.

As a human, you had knowledge of human customs, as a result, you did great work in the library archives and occasionally oversaw requests to borrow records from other locations. Maedhros, the elven Lord was nice enough to offer you a place in his halls after he found you wandering around lost last winter. Many of his own kind feared him, but you, even as a human admired him. There were only so many people that could go through what he did and still function.

You didn't get to see the lord or your lord now, too often, with both of you being busy in your respective job roles, but the brief conversations you occasionally have with him were always pleasant.

And thinking of him, you saw familiar red hair coming around the corner. You smiled in greeting to which he returned.

"Y/n would you like to come with me onto a walk?" He asked suddenly.

You didn't put too much thought into wondering why he wished to spend time with you, just accepted.

When you approached the stables later that day, he was already standing there, waiting.
"I'm sorry, were you waiting long?" You bashfully asked.

"No I just came early, I didn't want you to think that I wasn't coming." He held out his left arm and you linked yours through it.

As the day slowly drew to a near, the weather got even colder. Wearing nothing but a wooden dress and a simple cloak, you began to feel the cold under your skin almost instantly. You hugged yourself as a particularly strong gust of wind blew through you. Maedhros noticed and stopped. He took off his own thick fur and placed it over you. He brought a hand up to your cheek and frowned.
"Y/n you're freezing."
You shook your head trying to deny it.
"I'm fine."
You heard him sigh and the next thing you know you're being held against his chest. Your cheeks turned even redder if possible.
"Lord Maedhros?" You shily asked.
"Just Maedhros is fine."
The two of you continued like this in silence until you reached the gate and you insisted you could walk now.
When Maedhros put you down you were standing incredibly close to each other.
Maedhros was looking at you intently and you didn't break away eye contact from him. When he leaned in you didn't stop him and the next thing you know, his warm lips are on your cold ones.
When he pulled away, you were gripping onto his tunic, trying not to fall on your shaky legs.
He smiled at you before speaking, "y/n, please allow me to court you."
You nodded your affirmative, still unable to find your voice.

Maedhros Just smiled and kissed you again.

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