Maglor falling for girl from our world pt 2

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You looked out the window and sighed, remembering how you got here and how you met your lord, that was all those years ago and you still haven't physically changed. You took up work as one of the cooks; it was hard work especially if feasts were coming up, but you didn't complain, you loved your job and it held plenty of opportunities to invent new dishes.

"Y/n! I need you to bring this to the training grounds!" The head cook shouted over the noise, pointing at a large basket sat on a stool.

You nodded picking up the basket, not bothering to take off your apron, expecting to be right back.

The training ground was busy as always, elves and elleths alike practicing. You weren't sure who the food was for, but you saw the captain of the guard and decided to ask him instead.

He noticed you approaching and happily waved at you.

"What have you got there y/n?" He said pointing at the basket.

"I was told to bring this over, but I don't actually know who it is for." You explain with a frown on your face.

"Ah I know who that's for, there's a group of scouts which is supposed to come back soon, so the food is for them. At the very least food to hold them out until dinner."

You silently nodded your head, placing the basket next to you and looked to the sky. It was so very different and blue compared to where you came from and despite your years here it still took your breath away. Suddenly you noticed a figure moving towards you and upon closer inspection, you noticed it was Lord Maglor. You nudged Elweard with your elbow and motioned towards the figure of your lord. He immediately stood up and respectfully bowed to his lord, with you following suit.

Lord Maglor looked momentarily surprised, you thought when he noticed you at the training grounds, but quickly turned his attention back to Elweard.

"Elweard, I would like a report of the scouts' expedition once they've returned. When you've written it up please bring it to me in my office." His gaze then lingered on you a while longer, looking as if he wished to say something, but instead he turned and began walking back.

"No rest for you huh?" You lightheartedly asked your friend.

"I wouldn't worry about that, more importantly, what is going on between you and the lord?" He asked with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

You immediately went red in the face, "W-what? Nothing! Nothing at all!" You attempted to deny, shaking your arms wildly.

"Hmm, with the way he's been looking at you I wouldn't say that that is nothing. You like him, don't you?" At that last sentence, if possible you went even redder.

"M-maybe a little. But it wouldn't do anyone any good. He is a lord and I'm a girl from practically nowhere." You hang your head sadly. All of a sudden you feel a hand rest on your head.

"I wouldn't say that there's no chance, I've seen the way that he looks at you."

"Well that's your opinion, I'm going to be going before the head cook comes after me." With that, you brushed yourself off and walked back towards the building.

Little did you know that Elweard decided to scheme a bit on your behalf.

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