Scn A Love Not Expected Part 2

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Since that one time when you treated your lord's wound, he took to coming to you particularly whenever he sustained some malady or injury, however large or small. But as you began to know him better, because of the conversations he always started, he started visiting more often keeping you company while you worked.

At first, it was uncomfortable and you wondered whether you did something wrong, then you began to be irritated because what few days of peace you had were taken away and whenever he tried to help he was more of a nuisance than of use. But after all that, you began to enjoy and look forward to his company, realising that it was nice to have someone to talk to for once, as opposed to being left with your thoughts constantly. You also learned that he wasn't as much of a terror as people made him out to be, so long as you didn't make it your motive to provoke him with insults or jibes aimed at him. But it was true he was short to provoke, there was a time his brother lord Celegorm said something and it almost ended with a fist to his face were it not for you getting in between them. You gave them a stern talking to about fighting inside your room and threatened to send them outside to fix their wounds on their own if they didn't stop. Caranthir sat back down with a sigh, but his brother gave you a haughty look that gave the impression of being looked down on. You were used to it so just ignored it, but you wouldn't forget the glare Caranthir sent his brother's way.

You were currently battling with two heavy boxes of medical supplies, attempting to carry them up the stairs without dropping them or falling backward with them, when the weight was suddenly lifted off you. You looked up and saw that it was Caranthir.

"Thank you, for a moment I thought I was taking a trip backward down these stairs." You thanked him and offered a smile which he returned.

"What were you doing attempting to carry these by yourself anyway? Couldn't you ask or wait for someone to take them up?" He asked with a disapproving look on his face.

You blushed and rubbed your head sheepishly. "Well, there wasn't anyone else around that I could ask and I just wanted to put them away to make life easier, instead of doing it later when there is plenty to do. Also, they didn't seem that heavy at the time so I thought I could manage just fine. But the more distance I covered the more it felt like they were getting heavier and I began to struggle." You finished.

Caranthir just sighed but didn't say anything.

As the two of you walked to the healing halls, you noticed that Caranthir occasionally looked at you, but apart from that looked lost in thought so you didn't interrupt him.

"Where do you want these?" He asked pointing at the boxes when you finally reached the healing halls.

"Just in that room over there" you pointed opposite "The head healer will go over them and then let us know where she wants what."

He came back as you were sorting through the list of tasks which needed to be done for the day.

"Y/n." Caranthir spoke to get your attention.

"Yes?" You asked, wondering what made him have such a serious and yet unsure look on his face.

"I" He stopped and took your hands between his own, "I've grown to like you and I wish to court you and after take you as my wife." That whole statement caught you off guard and looking up at his beaming hopeful expression you felt yourself be seized by terror. Panicking you broke your hands away from his, "I-I can't! I'm so sorry I can't accept that!" With that, you run from the room, desperate to escape before he saw the tears which started to form in your eyes.

After he watched you run, Caranthir stood there frozen, trying to process what just happened. A part of him was beginning to feel angry at being rejected like this, but the other part of him reasoned that this was unusual for you. Running off instead of confronting him head-on.

He suddenly felt worried about you and decided to find an answer, and he would only find it by speaking with you.

Caranthir found you curled up on your bed in your room, sobbing. He did knock, several times, but you didn't seem to hear him, so he hesitantly entered your room.

Once in, he wasn't quite sure what to do so he called your name. You finally heard him and turned to look at him. Caught off guard you quickly stood. "I-Caranthir, what are you doing here?" You spoke between gasps.

"May I sit?" He gestured at the chair in front of your desk. You nodded your head.

"I wished to know why you ran, if you do not wish to be with me then I'll leave but you looked pretty distressed."

"I-I can't accept. We are worlds away! You are the lord of Thargelion and a prince! I am a simple healer who does not even know her background. I don't have a clue who my parents are, all I know is that the previous head healer was nice enough to take me in and raise me as his own. But do you know how unnatural that even is? For an elleth not to know her own parents?"

Caranthir was silent for a moment, letting the new information sink in. He knew you didn't know your parents, but he hasn't realised that it bothers you this much.

"I'm sorry, I never realised that it bothered you this much. But I wish to let you know that status means naught to me. I've grown to care for you as a person, the bold girl who stood up to me despite my unpleasantness. People can talk how they wish, I make my own decisions and those who dare to question it will have me to answer to." You smiled at him through your tears. You knew he meant every word he said, but it was still a terrifying prospect. Not only would you be moving up a status and having to deal with the problems which came with that, you would have to stop Caranthir from murdering anyone who was involved in the former.

Taking a deep breath, you made up your mind.

"Caranthir." You waited until you had his attention, "I-I accept your offer, but don't expect me to give up my work! I'm not like the noble ladies who are happy to sit around idly. I'm giving you a chance to back out if that's what you think I'll be happy to do!" You exclaimed passionately.

Taken aback, Caranthir was silent for a moment before grinning, "Fear not, I would be disappointed if you did choose to become like one of them." He took your hand and kissed it and you felt better at the rush of warmth which it sent through you. You smiled, this was going to be a hard change to adjust to, but you were willing to brave it.

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