Scn Maedhros and s/o during kinslaying

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You could smell the blood spilled around you and hear the sounds of battle raging around. No one ever thought that they would see the day that kin would turn against kin and yet, here you were, fighting against the elves of Alqualondë; spilling their blood just as they were spilling yours.

You didn't know where Maedhros or the rest of his family was, you were too busy trying to fend off coming attacks. You heard an elf come up beside you, sword raised high, without even thinking now you stabbed him and watched him fall dead. Looking down at the dead elf you couldn't help but feel a bit sick, wondering whether someone would miss him. This momentary distraction caused you to stop following the pattern of the battle and before you knew it, you were grabbed from behind and had a knife pressed against your throat.

"I do not enjoy killing an Elleth, drop your weapon and I will let you go." The elf said into your ear. You attempted to kick him in response to this as you had no weapon on you that you could use, but the elf only strengthened his grip on you. you felt trickles of blood run down your throat as the blade was pressed tighter against your neck and you tensed, suddenly all too aware of your situation and you felt fear wash over you for the first time since this battle began. Just as you felt the first touch of the blade starting to cut deeper than the surface of your skin, the pressure of the blade loosened and your captor fell to the ground with a thud. You shakily took in deep gasps of air and looked behind you. Maedhros was standing there with his sword drawn and covered in blood with a dark look on his face. He silently asked you if you were alright and seeing you nod, you both returned to the battle for the ships; there would be time for comfort later, priority was to survive and not think.

As you were finally sitting on one of the ships that would bear you to middle earth, you put your face in your hands and attempted to suppress your tears. Suddenly you were drawn into a familiar embrace and you leaned your head against his chest and clutched at his tunic.

"Shh, I've got you, you're fine." He soothed as he rested his head on top of yours. "Y/n I need to clean that cut on your neck, we can't take a chance that it will get infected." You lightly nodded your head and straightened up to allow him better access to your neck. You took in a sharp gasp at the stinging pain when Maedhros ran the cloth gently over your cuts; whatever herbs were in there stung badly. You saw him wince at your display of pain and he grasped your hand in his to offer you some comfort. Once your wound was cleaned he bandaged it up to give it the pressure to heal. He drew you into his embrace again and suddenly all the events of the day caught up with you and you started to cry into Maedhros' chest.

"It's alright y/n, I've got you. I'll keep you safe, whatever comes our way, I'll keep you safe, I promise you this." You were too exhausted and afraid to do anything else except nod and continue to cry out the rest of your tears against him. You didn't know what the future in the new land held for you, but you would trust Maedhros, you loved him after all and would follow him anywhere.

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