Maglor Headcanons

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*He would often pull all-nighters when inspiration struck him, determined to capture the new song in its full brilliance. 

*This often ended up with a room full of papers thrown everywhere and a disheveled, half-asleep Maglor the next day.

 *He favors wearing clothes in blues and silver as they are his favorite colours. 

*If he loves someone, he loves them unconditionally there is only that person in his heart, he only has eyes for that person and if something were to happen to them, he would carry the grief with him like chains, it would only be a half-lived life for him.

*He loves children and wants a family- not as large as the one he grew up in but he would love 2 or 3 children

*He loves all of his brothers but is the closest with Maedhros. They are the closest in age and also spent all those years playing parents to their younger brothers as they were raising them. 

*Excellent at strategy. In fact, may just be the best brother in military tactics.

 *Don't let his innocent appearance and great musical talent fool you, he can be as ruthless as Celegorm and Curufin. 

*After everything took place and he is left alone after throwing the Silmaril into the sea, he considered drowning himself to bring a final end to everything, but couldn't get himself to do it.

 *So he wonders the shores in hopes of finding a sign from the Valar on what he should do; kill himself and enter Mandos to face judgment or enter Valinor alive and face the judgment of both the people and Valar. 

*He hasn't taken a ship back to Valinor for many reasons. But most of all the reason is that he is ashamed to face his mother after all the cruel deeds which he has done. 

*They brought her enough pain by leaving and swearing the oath, but he doesn't wish to cause her more pain by coming back and allowing people to then talk badly of her.

*He can't cook. His mother tried to teach him and so did his father and Maedhros too, but with no luck. 

*He is capable of burning water and often forgets about the food altogether when inspiration strikes and he hurried to write it down, leaving the food to turn into charcoal. Eventually, he was banned from entering the kitchen or handling the cooking of food.

*However, after he was left to wander the shoreline on his own, he managed to learn on his own to put simple dishes such as stew together from desperation.

*While in his self-proclaimed exile he often wished to track down Elros and Elrond and see what life they made for themselves but is too ashamed to face them. Not seeing Elros and comforting Elrond after his passing is one of his biggest regrets.

*When He threw the silmaril into the sea, he felt pure relief, that was the first time in a long time that he has felt like he was a step to being freed from the forsaken oath he swore.

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