Maglor falling for girl from our world pt 3

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It was evening when Elweard went to drop off his report and when he decided to push a bit into the relationship their lord has with y/n.

"Milord, what do you think of y/n?"

Maglor's head shot up and his eyes narrowed at the captain in front of him, confirming some of his suspicions.

"She's a hard worker and doesn't warrant suspicion after all this time she's spent here. Unless there's something else you would like to imply?"

He straightened and faced his lord, "I'm saying that even though you may be my lord if you refuse to make a move on y/n then she may be taken away from you." With that he left, leaving his threat hanging in the air. He knew that y/n only saw him as a friend, but he would still try to win her affection if his lord would not make a move.

After Elweard left, Maglor sat there in his office for a while, thinking about the words his captain just said. He did notice him and y/n being rather close these days and felt the stirring of jealousy within himself. Despite her being human, even one that for some reason didn't age, it looked like there was a very real threat of her being stolen away by another elf if he didn't do something soon.

Having made up his mind, he made his way to the kitchens, determined to talk to you and show his interest to those around him so they would back off.

When he arrived, he asked for you and you went out to meet him, trying to figure out what you've done to warrant him going to see you in person.

"Y/n I was wondering if you would like to take a walk with me after you finish your shift?" He asked you with a smile.

Your eyes grew wide at the suggestion, but you quickly composed yourself and nodded with an equal smile. "I would love to."

"Then I will wait for you by the back door to the gardens after your shift." Then he took your hand and pressed his lips to it,"until tonight then."

After he left, you were barely able to focus on your work, much to the grief of the head cook as more than one dish suffered from your lack of concentration' but you were too stressed about why he would wish to invite you for a walk, to think about the dishes. You liked him so you weren't displeased, but it was definitely not displeasing. Having enough, the head cook made you leave early, leaving you time to get changed into a normal dress and straight after, you headed to the back gate, only to see Lord Maglor already there.

"Milord" you greeted him as you inclined your head in greeting.

"Good evening y/n, shall we?" he asked as he held out his arm to you. You linked yours through his in acceptance.

It was a while of small conversation until you finally mustered up the courage to ask why he invited you out this evening.

"Milord, is there a specific reason you wished for my company tonight?" You asked while nervously looking up at him.

He unlinked your arms and replaced it by grasping your hand in his.

"Y/n, I asked you on a walk with me tonight because I've been made to realise something. I care for you, I have for a while now but failed to act on it. Y/n, would you please allow me to court you?"

Although taken off guard, your eyes lit up and you nodded enthusiastically, not trusting your voice.

Maglor's expectant expression softened into a smile and he brushed a stray strand of hair that came loose from your nodding. "I'm glad, I feared that you may not feel the same way which is why I stalled on telling you. But now I have time to make up for that." With that, he leaned down and captured your lips in his. When you broke apart for air, he pulled you into his embrace and the two of you stayed that way for a while, content and looking forward to the future.

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