Scn Maedhros x reader NSFW

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As you woke up, you shivered from the chili breeze which passed over your skin from a nearby open window. In your half-asleep state, you tried to ignore it and laid back into the pillows seeking warmth. After a few moments of failing to get back to sleep, you turned over seeking familiar warmth only to be met with a cold bed. Sighing you sat up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. Your husband may not be in bed, but you had a pretty good idea on where to find him. Putting on a light night robe, she walked over to the open window and shut it before lighting a candle. An elf would have no issues seeing in the dark, but as she was human, her eyesight was no match for theirs and she needed light to see the way. She closed the door behind her and made her way across the hall to her husband's office.

When you reached the door of the office you didn't knock and instead walked in as quietly as you could. Sure enough, he was there, hunched over his desk, working on a pile of papers and looking tired.

"Mae?" You gently called out to him, hoping not to startle him.

At the sound of his name, he looked up at you, surprise showing on his face, "y/n? What are you doing here?"

You came to stand beside him, placing the candle you were holding carefully on the desk and away from the paperwork. The robe you wore was very thin and despite the thick nightdress you wore you still shivered at the coldness of the room, wrapping your arms around yourself in an attempt to keep warm.

Maedhros quickly noticed this and pulled you into his arms, "You're freezing." He muttered disapprovingly and held you tighter, in an attempt to warm you up with his body heat. Although you weren't short, he was almost eight-foot and covered with muscle, making your frame look small and frail in comparison; it was at times like this that it had its advantages though. "What are you doing up? It's the middle of the night." He pulled away slightly to look at you.

"I woke up because the room and the bed were cold and then I noticed you were gone so I came to find you. Will, you not return to bed with me? You need rest from constant work and the bed feels cold without you." You finished looking hopefully at him. You knew the importance of his work and helped whenever and wherever you could, but you knew there was more to him being awake tonight than paperwork. Ever since Fingon brought him back from the dark lord he was often plagued with nightmares, some nights worse than others.

He didn't reply instantly, just nuzzled his nose into your hair, inhaling your scent. "Yes, let us go. I'm sorry I left you alone." With that, he leaned over the desk, blowing out the candles and picked you up into his arms.

Once in your bedroom, Maedhros didn't put you down and instead leaned down to kiss you, gently and softly until you leaned into him, deepening it. He gently laid you down on the bed and started trailing kisses down your neck, causing warmth to spread through your body. He slowly took of your robe and started pushing away the fabric of your nightgown, allowing his lips better access to your skin. Once you were bare of any cloth covering you, you started undressing Maedhros who was still fully dressed; you were grateful he was wearing nightclothes which made the task much simpler. 

Once you were both completely bare, his lips returned to yours with rising passion and his hand started to roam over your body, caressing every inch. Once his hand made his way over your breasts, applying just a bit more pressure as they passed over the sensitive area of your nipples, you sighed and leaned your head back against the pillows, from the pleasantness of the sensations. Soon his lips left yours and replaced his hand on your breasts, sucking and gently biting on the already hardened peaks, causing you to moan and bury your hands in his hair, in an attempt to keep him there. 

You could feel his hand sliding down your leg, coming closer to there area which was heating up from his ministrations. Teasingly, he gently runs his hand over your bundle of nerves, causing you to whimper and moan out in impatience. From there he runs his fingers down your outer walls, opening them and collecting the wetness gathering there. Soon, he pushed a finger inside, massaging it against your inner walls, causing you to cry out in surprise and pleasure. Soon he pushed another finger and made a scissoring motion, causing sparks of pleasure to shoot through your body. Your breath was coming out in short gasps now and you attempted to thrust into his hand, but he withdrew his fingers, causing you to groat at the loss of the touch.

"P-please! Mae!" You stuttered out through your breathlessness, wanting to feel him inside you.

He leaned down and captured your lips with his, before pulling away and leaving his forehead resting against yours, his hot breath fanning over your face. He gripped your hips with his one hand, using the stump of the other to support himself on the bed. He lined himself up with your entrance and swiftly pushed in, sliding in with ease due to the wetness present. You both groaned at the feeling of being connected with each other. As he pulled out and pushed back in, you couldn't help but cry out at the intense pleasure it shot through you. Maedhros kept thrusting his hips against yours, gently and steadily as he feared to hurt you with being so much larger than you.

"Mae! Harder! Please!" Trying to show him you wanted-no needed to feel him move faster against your walls, especially as he was hitting the sport inside you that caused you to cry out continuously.

Maedhros looked at you warily, but at your pleading expression, and a flush present on your face, he pulled out and thrust back in with more force, causing the both of you to cry out from the pleasure. As his thrusts got faster and he kept hitting that spot inside you, your voice increased in volume as you drew closer and closer to your pleasure. You could feel Maedhros's thrusts becoming sloppier, symbolising he was close to his release as well. With one final well-aimed thrust, your walls constricted and you cried out as pleasure washed over you and coupled with Maedhros' swift thrusts, you found yourself writhing in bliss. With a final thrust, Maedhros came, burying his head in your neck to take in your scent, while the two of you rode out your pleasure, causing aftershocks of pleasure to shoot through you at the remaining sensitivity.

Eventually, Maedhros pulled out and drew you into his arms so your head was resting on his chest."Are you warmer now?" He asked teasingly as he drew the bedsheets over you both. You made a noise in agreement, too spent from the recent activity to talk. He smiled at your asleep form and kissed you once more, before giving in to much-needed sleep.

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