Maedhros tries to win back trust of his s/o

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You refused to speak to him and Maedhros couldn't say he blamed you. After his rescue from imprisonment, he couldn't get himself to act the same. 

*You tried to be patient, tried to help him but all he would do is lash out at you with no apology. Still, you stayed with him and tolerated it, knowing how badly he was hurt. 

*It wasn't until he insulted your humanity, saying you were a short-lived human who didn't know anything and would never understand, that you had enough and requested your own room to stay in and began to ignore him.

*It wasn't until a month passed that Maglor had enough and confronted his brother about his stupidity.

*After Maglor finally managed to get through to Maedhros, he didn't waste time in going to find you, trying to figure out how he would apologise along the way.

*Your reaction hurt a bit, but it was expected. You slammed the door shut as soon as you saw him and even locked it after you. 

*When you passed each other by on the hallway all you would say is "Good day Lord Maedhros" and continue on your way. 

*This went on for another month before Maglor had to step in again, this time to persuade you to talk to his brother.

*So one day you sat there in the garden, listening to Maedhros trying to apologise to you, that you gave in and decided to give him another chance. 

*Your relationship isn't the same as what it used to be, both of you impacted in some way by his imprisonment. But you start from scratch, learning about each other again and at the end, your relationship is that much stronger for taking the time to start over.

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