Nienna Headcanons

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Includes Melkor x Nienna

*She may be the Valier of pity and mourning, but she is by no means weak and she does not cry all the time.

*She does not spend all of her time in her halls and often visits Lorien, Mandos' halls or walks along the shores next to her home.

*She may be seen as weak for the tears she does shed, but she feels the emotions of the world strongly and knows how to handle them in a way which doesn't destruct or harms unlike some of her fellow Valar.

*The reason why Nienna does not have a partner like the other Ainur is that he is gone.

*During the great music, her lamentful song reflected a sorrowful version of Melkor's one of discord, whilst singing with the other Ainur.

*Afterall, lament often harmonises with all themes that are in existence.
Back when they were first released from Eru's halls, she was more free and happier, because she did not yet feel the pain which was unleashed on the world by Melkor.

*Melkor wished for her to leave with him, telling her that she would be free from being controlled by Eru, but it was not in her will to do so, for she loved the plan set out and felt the pain Melkor was causing.

*Yet, despite refusing to go with him, she still could not bring herself to hate him and garnered hope that he would repent and wish to return.

*Melkor once in a while returns, seeking her in her halls and persuading her to join him and forsake the Valar, offering her power over the world.

*The meetings always vary. On some occasions they spend the nights in each other's arms, seeking warmth from the one which they were intended to live alongside with and on others, it's merely a matter of requests and pleas made by both in an attempt to win the other to their side.

*She holds onto the hope that in the second music, he will not seek to go against what is planned, but go with it and that the two of them would be able to be with each other.

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