Childish//Washington x Reader

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Prompt #25
Will you give me a piggyback ride

It was one of the hottests days at crash site bravo and today was the day wash had decided to issue a bit of team training. Thankfully Washington had decided we didn't have to wear our entire suits of armor. 

Plopping down on the ground, I heaved in gusts of air after completing the last lap wash had made us run around the canyon. I was done before caboose or tucker and washington was nowhere to be seen, probably off working on the comm tower. 

I wiped sweat off my forehead and listened to the sound of footsteps crunch on the gravel behind me. My old freelancer instincts kicked in, causing me to analyze the steps, letting me know who it was before they even spoke. 

Turning around, I watched tucker yelled,“Fuck its hot out here”. He threw one of his dark arms over his eyes to shield them from the sun. 

I could only agree with him as I began to brush my hair back from my sweaty face. My long hair seriously needed a trim. 

All of a sudden, another hand wrapped around the back of my hair where my hand was and whispered,”you look all sweaty in this weather, i could make you even more sweaty in bed”. 

Tucker's bad pick up line made me want to gag as I pushed him away from me.”Are you always this perverted or is it just because of all this heat?”I sassily responded to him. 

Caboose, who hadn't really been running or walking, finally finished his lap and had overheard what Tucker had said,”no tuckers always like that”. 

I groaned as the heat was starting to get to me,”tucker i swear to god, i have a boyfreind so stop making jokes like that”, from my running boot i pulled out a knife,”or else i will fucking stab you”. 

One look at the knife and tucker immediately backed away. 
Tucker's comment had left me now in an annoyed mood as I pulled myself up from the rough surface. As I stood, my ankle twisted and then popped, seizing pain throughout the rest of my leg. 

Letting out a pain groan, I lifted my leg slowly, hovering it off the ground to assess the damage. The hot day had just gotten a lot worse due to my ankle. 

“ms.(y/n)”, caboose was still standing from our end point and i had nearly forgotten about him being there,”are you ok”, he asked. Letting out another groan, I nodded,”caboose could you go find agent washington and tell him that i need his help please”.

“Oh oh ok i can do that”, caboose said and turned away to find him. 

Starting to limp around the pain in my ankle increased. I couldn't tell whether it was broken or just a simple accidental sprain. My hatred for this new base only increased as the terrain began to get rocky again causing me to have to place my ankle down. As soon as I put it down though, pain shot up my leg causing me to lose my balance. 

Two familiar strong arms caught me around the waist and helped me stand up straight again. Agent washington's hands remained where they were, but he turned me around till i faced him, gazing into his green eyes.

A droplets of sweat glistened on washes face and his hair hung in limp strands but the look of adoration in his eyes made me smile,”hey caboose came and got me, said something was wrong with you”, his lips transformer into a giant smile,”are you ok”. 

Pushed up against his chest, I could tell he’d been working on the comm tower since his gray muscle shirt stuck to his muscles even more than normal. 

“I think i may have sprained my ankle after our run, oh and it's hot as balls out here and i'm going to stab tucker soon”, i dropped all of my latest news on washington and his eyebrows drew together. 

“Baby why are you going to stab tucker”, wash asked. 

My mouth dropped open in flash surprise,”asking about the thing with tucker and not about my broken ankle”. 

Wash laughed and dipped his head in between my neck. Taking small nibbles he said,”I'm sorry about your ankle, now what did Tucker say”. I laughed and told him the exact thing Tucker had told me. That caused washes bite to get a bit more painful but sent tingles through my veins. 

“I'll make him run extra for you if you'd like and could maybe pummel him to death”, i giggled as wash joked about all of that, but still i knew he absolutely would. 

“I don't need you to do that for me right now but would you mind helping me get inside the base? This heat is blaring on us”, I asked him.

His grip on me loosened a little as he started to knell. “Hey wash what are you doing?”I asked him, raising an eyebrow in confusion. 

Washington let go of me now I awkwardly stood, hiking up my injured leg so as to not push pressure on it. He turned his back to me and crouched,”here hop on, i'll just give you a piggyback ride there”. 

“A piggyback ride?”I asked to which he sweetly smiled at me over his shoulder,”yes a piggyback ride”. “Isn't that a little childish”, I muttered, slowly putting my arms around his neck in less of a choke hold but still pretty tight for one. Washes arms sweeped under my legs, settling in the crook of my knee, before pulling me tightly onto his back. 

Letting out a squeak I tightened my grip around his neck, momentarily choking him out and he sputtered a little. “I hope that I'm not too heavy”, I told him, loosening my wrench on him. Wash snorted, something he only did when he thought i should know the truth and said,”since when have you ever been too heavy”. 

Wash started to walk and we began a steady rhythm as wash walked, swaying me back and forth. I planted a kiss on washes bare neck emitting a smile out of the ex-freelancer. It was only fair to tease him like he’d done earlier to me, washes grip on my leg tightened. 

Once we entered the newest base, wash turned down to the barrack corridor and opened the door. I was lucky to get my own bedroom that had a door. 

He kicked the door shut with his boot and then led me over to the cot that was pushed against the wall. Carefully, I was lowered onto the bed and wash turned around putting his hands on the wall behind my head. My breath caught in my throat as my eyes met his own, a silent yearning and eagerness in them. 

Ever so gently he brought his mouth to mine, kissing me. He gently pushed himself on the bed, mindful of my ankle, and lowered me down. Washington's kisses were always gentle and sweet but held a quaint yearning. 

The kiss, in washes true fashion primarily due to the annoying habit our team members of barging in, wasn't long and just as it began it ended, as he pulled away from you with a smile. I was dizzy, sucking in air to make the feeling go away, as wash pressed another kiss to my forehead. 

“Will you stay?”I asked him and he nodded. shutting his green eyes, he laid his head in the crook of your neck and pressed one last kiss to the base of your throat.



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