surprise!!//locus x cheerful reader

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MizDarkwater hope you like it❤

"Locus where are you taking me", you asked your boyfriend, as you blindly were let somewhere.

Locus had woke you up, telling you he had a surprise. He then blindfolded you and pulled you out of your room.

"You'll see love", locus said holding both your hands.

You smiled as he dragged you around a corner and then he stopped.

"Ok ready",locus said, going to stand behind you.

You nodded and he untied the blind.

As locust pulled the blind away you looked around.

The room was completely dark.

You turned to look back at locust before the lightd flicked on and everyone yelled"SURPRISE"!!!

You smiled as you looked around.

"Do you like it", locus said coming up behind you.

You Smiled and pulled locus into a hug.

"I thought you forgot about my birthday", you mumbled into the hug.

"Love why would I forget your special day", he told you.

You smiled at him and Felix groaned"common (y/n) i wanna eat cake".

You laughed, taking locus's hand, bounced over to felix and the other team.

Getting cake, locus went to go chat with some of his friends while felix came to your side.

"Having fun", he asked taking a sip of something in a red cup.

You smiled and nodded" thank you for helping with the party", you said to him and he frowned.

"I didn't really help with the party",he mumbled sheepishly.

Your eyebrows furred together in confusion"wait then who all did".

"Locus did all of this. Well I helped get people but he planned almost all of it", felix explained taking a bite of a cupcake.

Your eyes widened"he did all of this", you exclaimed.

He nodded"he cares about you alot. The way he looks at you and he thinks that nobody notices".

Looking around you spotted locus laughing at some joke.

Leaving felix, you rushed over to locus and poked his arm.

He smiled and looked down to you as you leaned up on your tippytoes and kissed him.

He was token back for a second before putting his arms around your waist and kissing you back.

Felix, who had came to stand by you both, gagged causing you to pull away from locus laughing.

"You two are nasty",felix said and locus laughed.

"Well were gonna keep being nasty then", and with that he pulled you into a kiss.

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