truth or dare// tucker x reader

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"(y/n) come on and play with us", you heard caboose say, as he ran into your room. 

you sat on your bed(reading/drawing/or whatever you wanna be doing) watching caboose. 

"what are y'all doing", you asked him, putting down(thing you were doing).

caboose jumped up and down"tucker wants to play this game call truth or dare. now come play", he said. 

you rolled your eyes but got up and followed caboose. 

caboose ran outside, where tucker and church sat around a fire, talking. 

"(y/n) came out to play tucker", caboose cheered. 

tucker looked away from church, directly at you and smirked"well look who finally  came out of there bedroom". 

you rolled your eyes and church laughed"(she/he)hates you". 

tucker laughed and shook his head"no church she loves me". 

you glared at him"yea i adore tucker in every way possible. i have a big card bored but out of him, that i kiss every night, in my room". 

church busted into laughter as tucker shook his head"how did you get my body printed on a cut out". 

you laughed"i took a photo of you when you weren't looking", he looked at you and laughed. 

"ok lets play", caboose said sitting down by the fire. 

after a few rounds tucker looked at you"ok your turn(y/n)". 

"truth", you said and he smirked. 

"is it true that you want to kiss me". 

your cheeks blossomed red as everyone looked at you. 

"um dare", you said. 

tucker smirked again"i dare you to kiss me".

your breathe hitched in your throat as he looked at you. 

church leaned forward, looking at you intently"so (y/n) you gonna kiss him cause i certainly aint", church said laughing. \

the red was burning on your cheeks, as everyone looked at you. 

"if you wont come over here and kiss, ill just go over there", he threatened. 

you sighed and walked over to tucker. 

he smirked at you, once you got close he grabbed your waist and pulled you towards him.

once his lips met yours, fireworks went off in your head. he kissed you passionately and left you breathing for air.

"(she/he)s a good kisser", tucker said, leaving his arm around your waist. 

you smiled as the game continued. 


this is just a lil somethin for now. i am working on a request so fun. all for now!

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