Without you//wash x reader

429 7 1

Prompt #1 #23

Are you ok
It hurts me to see you like this

A hero is the last to go down in a fight. But the first to die. That's what the church did.

It had been a week since church had erased himself to power tucker's new suit, the meta's old suit that had been in Malcolm Hargroves care, and ultimately saving the reds and blues and the rest of Chorus ultimately costing him his life.

Once they had found out that he had actually died, unlike the previous times he had 'died', it had hit you hard. You couldn't handle it and had started to lock yourself in your room, hiding from the reds and blues.

Throughout the day, many of them had come to check up on you. They always asked the same thing but you never gave much of a different answer causing them all to worry.

Caboose had come first, walking into my bedroom with a quiet,"miss (y/n)". Whipping your tears on the sleeve of your shirt you turned to look at him with a small sniffle. Since being rescued and boarding a spaceship off Chorus, the majority of us didn't wear suits of armor, caboose no exception.

Out of armor, I was able to see caboose baby blue eyes that were a little glazed over. Besides me, caboose was taking Church's disappearance hard too. "Hey caboose, are you ok?", I asked him, sitting up in my bed.

He came to sit on the bottom of my bed, placing his hands in his lap. He said,"I miss church too but he'll be back. He always comes back". This was true. Church came back a bunch of times. But this time was different. He wouldn't be coming back.

"Caboose", I said softly, scooting till I was sitting shoulder to shoulder with him,"I don't know if church will ever be coming back", I mumbled , breaking down into tears. Upon seeing me cry, caboose began to join me wrapping his arms around me in a saddening hug.

We sat like that for a while, until both of us had run out of energy to cry about church anymore. "I'm going to go walk around the ship for awhile", caboose mumbled before pulling away from me and leaving.

A while after Tucker and Grif came into my room bearing some food. Tucker was all smiles as he held out a plate of chicken to me,"we just had dinner and snagged you to come before the rest of the crew could eat it". Griff looked at the food longingly.

Sitting down on the bed beside me, Tucker propped the plate of chicken onto my lap. I fruitlessly started to pick apart the greasy chicken in small chunks. The food made my mouth water but also brought bile up in my throat.

As I ate , Tucker spoke about the events that had gone down during dinner with small inputs from grif. "Simmons has been ass kissing up to the pilot a lot, much to sarges dismay...caboose didn't stay long for dinner saying he wanted to talk to the ship's navigation system some more...oh and wash was asking about you", tucker rattled off but stopped at the last one. Why would you ask about me?

I asked that to tucker and he simply shrugged,"he's worried about you, we all really are, he just asked how you were and if you'd eaten anything", grief interrupted tucker to say,"yeah he was the one who told us to come give you this plate of food".

Before church erased itself, me and wash had a lot of flirty interactions, they never went beyond that but it surprised me that washington cared about me enough to send food my way.

"Here grif", I said , handing the plate to the grid. He looked at it sheepishly before taking a bite of my unfinished piece. Tucker rubbed my back as I settled back down.

"We're all going to miss him", Tucker said as he scooted to the edge of the bed. He stood up, turned around and kissed my cheek before patting my shoulder,"want us to get you something to drink?"

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