abused(wash x reader)

297 4 0

The prompts up there^^^

"Is that the last box", wash asked, placing a box down.

You smiled and nodded"yup I'm now officially moved in"!

Wash laugh and looked around the room.

After I had broke up with my last boyfriend, with the help of wash, wash had asked if I wanted to move in with him.

My last romance hadn't been the best. When you left you had nothing more than the clothing on my back.

"I'll leave you alone to unpack", wash said.

"Th-thanks", you told wash not used to being left alone.

He walked out of the room and you started to unpack.

After 30 minutes of unpacking wash called my name.

"Hey(y/n) foods done", wash yelled.

You walked out of your new room and through washes apartment.

It was a nice place, you were lucky to live with him.

When you got to the kitchen wash was pulling out a pan.

"Is pizza ok, I suck at cooking and this is what I grabbed", wash stumbled over his words, blushing a little, causing you to laugh.

"Its fine, I can cook if you want", you offered.

He shrugged"ok, plates are up there", he pointed to a cabinet.

You reached and grabbed the plates before slipping and falling, causeing the plates to crash to the floor.

Wash turned around his eyes wide and seen the plates, while you started to get a panic attack.

"Please dont hurt me", you told wash as tears started to blur your eyes.

Washes eyes widened as you started to panic.

"(Y/n) I'm not going to hurt you", he got on the ground beside you and rapped his arms around you" nobody will hurt you again".

His arms around you helped calm you down, but there were still tears falling down your cheeks.

"I... I broke something", you said to wash.

Wash shrugged "it was an accident, I have more plates".

"He would of hurt me", you mumbled.

"Want me to kick his ass", wash asked.

You giggled " no you don't have to ".

Wash shrugged "offer still stands now let's eat".

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