sleeping arrangements(church x reader)

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Requested by shadowkiller160
Church x reader
Prompt #19
You know we can share the bed right

Blood gulch vally was the worst place ever. It was a box canyon in the middle of no where. But the worst thing was being a girl in the canyon.

"You can sleep in my room", tucker said, attempting to flirt with you.

You were the new blue on blue base and you had to find somewhere to sleep.

"Tucker I wouldn't want to sleep within a mile of you", you told him.

He smirked at you and wiggled his eyebrows.

Then caboose ran up to you. "Miss.(y/n) you can sleep with me", caboose said. He called you miss.(y/n).

"I think I'll just sleep on the couch", you told them. "We can make a pillow fort then", caboose cheered and ran off.

You groaned and watched as caboose got out a bunch of pillows.

"I'm going to go walk around", you told tucker.

He shrugged and went to the kitchen.

  You walked out of the base and started to climb the steep path to the sledge.

Sitting on a rock you looked over the canyon.

Getting lost in thought you didn't hear someone snack up behind you.

"What are you doing up here (l/n)", church asked.

You jumped and nearly fell off the cliff. But before you could fall church caught you. He pulled you to your feet and you looked at him.

"I'm thinking", you told him. You sat down and he leaned against the wall.

"What are you thinking about", church asked you. "Where I'm going to sleep", looking at him he shrugged.

"You can always sleep in my room. I'm not like tucker....and caboose", he said.

Laughing, you shrugged. "I dont know if I could sleep on your floor", you told him.

He laughed"you know we can share the bed right".

Blushing you looked away. "Well.... if you dont mind", you told him shuddering.

He laughed and began to walk back down yelling"ill see you tonight".

From that day on you shared churches bed and became more than friends.

How did you like this ShadowKiller160 ?
I got bored and finished it earlier than I thought.

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