10 days (tucker X reader)

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You have 10 days to live

You sucked in a breath as the count down hit 12 hours.

This is it. You have official 12 hours untill you die.

You wanted to cry because of all the things you would leave behind.

Your family, freinds, and most of all tucker.

Tucker had been your boyfriend for the last 3 years. 

He never was angry or perverted around you.

When he would push everyone away, he would come to you.

You were in love with him and he would do anything for you.

You spun the ring around your pointer finger. The ring had been something that tucker had given you.

You had made a good job at pushing everyone away these last 9 days.

The only person you had seen was caboose.

He knew about your death date but he didnt understand it.

( flashback )

"Your going to be with church", he had said one day.

You nodded "yeah I'm going to see church".

Cabooses eyes lit up,"can I see church to".

"No, no caboose you cant see church", I had told him.

He looked down then shrugged" well can you tell him some things".

I only nodded and listened to caboose talk about how things had went since church died.
(End of flashback)

There was a sudden knock was heard at your door.

Thinking it was caboose you opened the door without thinking.

On the other side stood tucker.

He looked a mixture of worry, fear, and anger.

"(Y/n) what's going on", he said pushing his way onto your room.

"You haven't came put of this room, you haven't eaten, and you only let caboose into your room. What's going on", tucker asked.

You looked down" tucker I dont think you would understand".

"What are you seeing someone else. Please to God dont fuckin tell me its caboose. Or have you found a way to bring church back and are seeing him know", he shouted.

Tucker never shouted at you. Ever.

"Tucker I'm not seeing anyone ", you told him.

"Then what (y/n), what", he said.

You felt a hot tear fall from your eye.

"I'm going to die in a few hours", you said.

His brown eyes went wide.

"Wh...what do you mean", he said.

"When locus shot the bullet at me it wasnt a regular bullet. It had a thing in it that will kill me in a few hours", you exsplained.

Tuckers eyes filled with tears.

"No no no we can get grey to take it out", tucker fumbled.

You took tuckers hands" there isint a way to take it out without killing me".

He was starting to cry.

"How do you know how much longer you have left", he asked.

I looked over at the countdown watch.

"Loucs gave me this when he shot me", I grabbed the watch weakly and gave it to tucker.

He looked at it"when this hit zero your going to die".

I nodded tears started to fall down your cheeks.

"What happens if it dosnt hit zero", tucker asked.

Your eyes widened. "I didnt think of that", you muttered.

"C'mon we can fix this", tucker said.

I shook my head"locus said that I wouldn't be able to turn the clock off".

Tuckers hopes slowly began to fail.

"But you cant die", he said, about to cry again.

You placed your hand on his dark cheek.

"Just know I love you".

You spent the rest of the day with tucker untill the timer got to 1 minutes.

"No no no", tucker muttered "you cant die".

"Tucker", I said, "let me go".

He leaned over and passionately kissed me.

We stayed like that before the watch let out a beep.

I picked up the watch and seen that it was stuck on 1 second.

"Tucker...the... watch. It stopped", I told him.

He took it out of my hands and looked at it.

"Why did it stop", tucker asked.

"I don't know, but does that mean I'm going to live", I asked.

Tucker shrugged, set down the clock and then pulled me into a hug.

"I love you so much (y/n)", tucker said.

"I love you to tucker", you told him.

"Can we have sex now", tucker asked.



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