dangers(felix x reader)

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"Do you have to leave", you complained to your newly wedded husband, felix. He was going to go on a mission.

He rapped his arms around to and your pregnant belly kissing your forhead.

"You'll be staying with megan at least", he said.

Megan was siris,felixs work partner, wife. Smiling you nodded.

"Remember what to do if someone trysts to hurt you or her", he asked.

You only could giggle.

When you and felix met you guys fought,and you won. "I know", you told him.

"Can you to not be anymore loveydovey", you heard a voice behind you.

Turning you seen megan and siris. Megan was galring playfully at siris.

"There newly married. Remember what we were like", megan told siris.

We laughed and you hugged megan.

"Ready to go", siris asked felix.

Felix nodded before coming over to you.

Squatting he looked at your stomach. Your belly had got bigger cause of you baby"I love you both", he said to my belly.

We hugged again and then felix and siris left.

"So what do you wanna do", megan asked me.

After about 2sappy romance movies,4bowls of (favorite/snack), and a glee marathon megan had fell asleep.

Rubbing your stomach your phone went off. Its 11 at night who would be calling this late.

Picking up your phone you answered the phone. "(Y/n)", you heard felix say. "Yeah", you asked.

He sounded worried. "I need you to protect you and megan. The mission went wrong. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry", he said.

Your heart broke as he said he was sorry.

"I may be pregnant but I can fight. We will be fine", you told him.

"I love you. We'll be home soon", he told you.

He hung up and you went to the kitchen. Opening the top drawer you pulled out a katana.

It had been your father's.

Walking back to the living room you plopped down on the couch.

Holding the katana you heard the door open. You seen 5 guys enter through the door.

Making sure megan was in the closet,you watches as they got closer.

When one got close enough,silently, you stabbed him in the stomach. His body fell with a loud clump.

They ran to his bloody body.

Watching in silence you sneaked behind another one and put the sword in his body.

Unfortunately one of the guys noticed.

"Theres a guy with a sword in here", one yelled. Hiding in the shadows, they searched for you.

"Come on out", they said. Moving behind another you plunged the knife into one of the guys.

"I'd drop that I were you", the two other guys pointed there guns at you.

"Put your guns down", you heard felix growl.

Turning around you seen felix,siris, and locus.

The guys seemed stunned so you stabbed one guy in the stomch and cut the other guys head off.

Holding your stomach siris came up to you.

"Wheres megan",he asked worried. I pointed to the closet and he rushed over and opened it.

Then felix came and hugged me. Dropping the katana I hugged him back.

"Are you ok", he asked you, putting his hand on your cheek. Nodding you felt a tap on your shoulder. 

Looking behind you siris,cradling megan to his chest, smiles at you. "Thanks for protecting her", he said.

You smiled and nodded.

Felix put his arm around your waist and waispeared in your ear.

"I love you both and were moving".

Ok I need to know something
Which is better for these books

I kissed him
You kissed him

Please help. I dont know which one is the best for reader-chan. Ok raven out.

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