(teen north x deppresed teen reader)

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Teen north x deppressed teen reader
It hurts me to see you like this

The blade percie into your skin as you dragged it along your wrist.

The kids at school had called you names again.

You cut 5 times then dropped the knife.

It hit the ground with a clank.

Sitting on the floor you heard a knock.

Hiding the bloody knife and washing the blood off your cuts, you put on a hoodie.

Opening the door you seen north, your best freind.

"Hey (y/n)", north said looking at you.

"Hi", you muttered.

He glanced at your arm.

"What's wrong", he asked.

You shrugged opening the door to your house, letting him in.

He walked in and sat down on the couch.

"I know when your not feeling well (y/n)", he said.

You rubbed your arm, looking at the ground.

Getting up he grabbed your wrist were the cuts were.

You flinch and yelped.

North noticed and pulled you back down.

He pushed up the sleeve of your shirt and looked at your wrist.

"(Y/n) why", he said.

You looked down and mumbled"they called me names and made fun of me today".

North then did the most unexpected thing. He leaned down and kissed the scars.

"It pains me to see you like this", he said"your not ugly. Your the most beautiful girl/boy I've ever seen".

He cupped your cheek and brought his face torwards you.

Then his lips met yours.

He kissed you as fireworks went off in your head.

"(Y/n) I've loved your for a long time. But if you dont feel the same...", he said looking down.

You leaned over and kissed him.

He seemed taken back as you kissed him, before he leaned in.

You broke away from each other and looked down at your wrist.

"You need to stop doing this", north said holding your wrist.

You nodded and looked down.

"I promise I will never leave you. The pain will go away", he said.

You snuggled into his side as he kissed your forhead.

If only he kept his promise

200 reads
Oh yeah
Also this is probably shitty cause I was bored and just typed this up.
But who care.
Till next time

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