sleep(north x reader)

393 9 0

Prompt #6
I wish that we could go run off and leave this behind

Opening your eyes you yawned. You were on your side with your boyfriend ,north, spooning you.

He was playing with your (h/c) hair.

You hummed in delight as north kissed your neck.

Turning you looked into his eyes. He stared into your eyes lovingly. "Good morning", you said.

He laughed and theta appeared. "Hi (state name)",he said, waving. I waved back at him "what time is it theta", you asked him.

He paused for a second then replied. "It's 3 in the morning", you nodded.

Looking back at north you sighed "why are you awake at this hour".

He looked at theta. "this little guy was thinking", he said. Looking at theta you laugh.

"I'm not that bad am I", he asked. North shook his head"no your fine just keep me awake at night".

As they talked you yawned.

"north we need to let (s/n) sleep", theta said. North nodded and pulled you into his arms.

Kissing him theta covered his Helmet.

"I wish that we could go run off and leave this behind", you told north. He chuckled and nodded.

Before you fell asleep you heard theta ask"what's it like to love". North chuckled"it's amazing".


I need to sleep ughhhhh


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