(maine x reader)injured

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"Please let me in. I need to see him make sure he's ok", you told the doctors.

Maine had just went on a hard mission and had came back barley alive. All they had told you was that he was barely breathing.

"Ma'am he's under going surgery, you can't see him yet", the doctor said.

"But I need to", you said quietly, on the verge of tears.

"Hey there(n/n) lets go back to your room. You need rest and you'll get to see him tomorrow when he's betrer", you heard your brother wash say.

You looked down but followed him back to your room.

When you got to your room wash hugged you and let you cry on his shoulder.

"I'm so scared that he's not going to make it", you told wash, sniffing.

"Maine is strong. He will be ok. Youve seen him take bullets before", wash said.

"That doesn't make it any better", you muttered to wash.

He sighed and set you down on the bed.

"Get some sleep. Before you know it he'll be up and around tomorrow", wash said.

You sighed"your right good night bro love you".

He nodded"love you to sis", he ruffled your(h/c) and walked out of the room.

You were lucky to have a brother like wash.

He turned off the light and left the room and you fell asleep.

Later in the night you woke up. It was 1:36am the clock you had by your bed said and you had the feeling of being watched.

Slowly looking around you grabbed your knife and sat up in bed.

In the corner was a figure watching you sleep.

"Who are", you asked the figure, putting your back flat against the wall.

They groaned and then your eyes widened.

You turned on the lights and seen your tall lover.

Maine had a white shirt on, with pajama pants. He was holding his side were he had been hurt.

"Maine what are you doing here", you exclaimed jumping up and hugging him.

He groaned and you stepped back"oh right, your side". He nodded and groaned again.

You helped him to the bed where he sat down and pulled you down on top of his good side.

"I missed you", he growled out nuzzling his head against yours.

You smiled and hugged him careful to not hit his wound.

"I missed you to", you said smiling.

"Sleep", he said to you.

You shook your head"I want to stay up with you".

He shook his head"sleep", he said.

"Fine", you said cuddling into his side. He smiled and kissed your forehead.

"I love you", he grunted out.

You smiled"I love you to".

Sorry if this is shit
I think I might make a Felix x reader book. I feel very inspirred for a book on him. So idk

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