4th of july special

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Happy 4th of July! I hope you all eat food and shoot fire crackers at everyone! I'll talk more at the end of this chapter

You looked up at the sky as simmions and grif lit the fireworks. Sarge traced circles on your back as you leaned into him. When the fireworks went off in the air you leaned back and kissed his

Sitting up the fireworks you didn't realize that sarge held a rocket luncher. He,not seeing you, shot it at the fireworks. "(Y/n)", Simmons yelled. He ran and knocked you back as the fireworks started. Kissing Simmons, you hugged him, "thanks Simmons".

You carried food up to the top of the base were grif was. It was the 4th and donut wanted to have fireworks. "You brought food", grif said. You laughed"i brought food for me". He glared at you and got up to get food. "I love you and bring chips", you yelled. Ge grumbled before yelling"i love you", back.

"C'mon c'mon let's go see the fireworks", donut had grabbed you hand and was dragging you to blue base. Tucker had found fireworks and was going to light them up. "Ok hold on", you laughed as he drug you to watch the

You sat in Lopez lap and watched as the fireworks exploded above you. "Te amo(I love you)", he whispered in your ear.

Church had his arm rapped around you shoulder as you watched theta make fireworks. "That's beautiful theta", you told him. "Thank you", he told you. Then church waispeared"not as beautiful as you".

Taking a bite out of your hamburger/hotdog(or whatever) you leaned into tucker. He and the other soliders were talking and having a good time. Then you heard gun fire and turned to see sarge firing a missile into the sky. It exploded and tucker kissed you.

Caboose(oh God)
Caboose had wanted to do fireworks. Ofcourse he wasnt be careful and accidentally exploded a firework in his hand. "Miss.(y/n) can you kiss it to make it feel better", caboose asked you,holding his hand. Sighing you kissed his hand and he smiled. "Its feels better know".

I'll do the freelancers tomorrow cause we wont celebrate  the 4th till tomorrow.

Also I posted this book about a month ago. When I actually looked at all the reads I was shocked. How did this book get 114(as of know) reads.

So thank you for reading and request things for me to write.

Happy 4th of july


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