6: 1! 2! 3!

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Living in a very large house having six bedrooms, a spacious sitting room, a dinning leading to the kitchen and a library/game-room/movie room can sometimes have its disadvantages outweighing its advantages. Especially when it comes to keeping it clean.

It was a usual morning routine to sweep the house but it never got completed since I was doing it alone but thanks to mom, who sometimes helped with part of the cleaning, the job got completed.

When Big Sis left for school, I started doing most of the sweeping. I had to start taking my bath after my morning chores since I got so sweaty that my clothes were drenched.

Presently, I was sweeping out the dirt from the twins' room and suddenly stopped. I stood straight to stare at Big Sis' room, which was opposite the twins'.

One month, I haven't seen my sister. One month, I haven't heard her voice. One month, I haven't even been able to bring myself to enter her room.

As I was about to turn away from the room, I heard sobbing which made me stop in my tracks. I turned back to the door and listened closely. The sobbing did come from the room. I bent the door handle and opened the door to see it was mom.

She dried her eyes and brushed her hands on her skirt as she stood up from the bed.

"Why haven't you been sweeping this room?" she asked and I opened my mouth to talk but there were no words coming out.

I could hear the hurt behind her voice even though she tried as much as possible to hide it with a frown.

She sniffed and cleaned her right eye before leaving the room.

I stood at the door, my feet unable to move as I breathed in, shakily. I clenched my teeth hard and forced back the tears that welled up in my eyes. If I cried, it meant big Sis was a lost cause.

It meant it would be hopeless to keep waiting.

It meant I wasn't going to see that one person who believed in me more than myself.


I stood in front of my mirror as I struggled to button up my green, sport's, knicker-skirt but it seemed like I had lost the ability to do anything right since I saw mom crying. Not only could I not button my skirt, I've also been bumping into and tripping over stuffs like I had lost my sense of sight.

"Mtchew." I hissed and left the last button to hang open.

I couldn't bring myself to tell mom what I did. It just didn't seem like the right thing to do at the moment.

I turned back to look at my room and saw how messed up it was. I had swept it this morning but my senses not being in order, made me forget to pick up the things I threw to the floor.

I bent down and started to pick up my clothes when I saw a cockroach under one of them. I glared at the monstrous creature with so much hate before looking around for something to kill it with.

I was still searching for what to to kill it with when it suddenly flew from the floor to the wall.

"Ah!" I screamed and ran out of my room to get a broom. There was nothing as worse as a flying cockroach. It was like the wings gave them an added advantage over us - over me.

I was about to rush downstairs when I heard Aunt shouting at someone in her room. I wouldn't have eavesdropped if it didn't sound like it was Adora she was yelling at.

"Why are you useless, ehn?!" she yelled and I went a little closer to the door. "Look at Joy. Not only is she smart but she's very hardworking. This is why mama will never choose you over her."

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