27: The painful truth

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Droplets of rain had already started beating down harshly on the zinc roof and the cold air swung in as Deborah tried dodging the questioning and frightened looks on her family's faces.

“What is this?” Mr. Kelechi demanded and although he was trying hard to sound calm, his demeanour was quite the opposite.

Unable to face her father, Deborah kept her gaze to the floor, both hands pulling frantically at her sleeves.

“I am talking to you,” he raised the prescription bottle in his hand, each step towards her taken with a baffled look.

“Deborah, please answer your father.” Mrs. Hannah got to her feet. “What is this?”

“I'm- I'm sorry. ” Deborah choked out, tears streaming down her flushed cheeks.

“Deborah, do you want to put me into trouble?” Mrs. Hannah continued, her steps wavering, causing grandma to come to her side. “If you have a problem, you come to me or your father. Not to sleeping pills. Biko (please) this child, don't kill me. Do you want to put us to shame? Do you want the devil to laugh at us, this girl? Am I not your mother?” At this, she lost all form of control and wavered in her stance, falling easily to her side with grandma falling too as she held her.

“I'm sorry.” Deborah sniffed and wiped at her tears as she looked up to meet her father's gaze. They were softened and filled with fear – one she had never seen – and it broke her heart. “I just didn't want you to worry.” She began to ramble. “I was back and everyone was happy and I didn't want you guys to be sad again. I wanted to come to you guys. I really did, but I couldn't-”

“Am I not your father?” Mr. Kelechi cut in, his hand pointed to his chest. “Is it not my duty to worry about you? Deborah, you were missing for weeks and I couldn't do anything. And after I found you, thinking you are happy, you go and buy sleeping pills. Right under my nose! If you were having troubles sleeping you should have come to me. I'm your father, for God's sake!” His hands fell to his side.

“I'm sorry. I'm sorry.” She muttered over and over, her chest rising and failing to fall as she held her breath. Before slowly, she let it fall, tears continuing to spill down her cheeks.

“First thing tomorrow morning,” her father continued. “we are going to see the doctor or a specialist. Anything. As long as I don't get to see this-” he raised the prescription bottle in his hands. “-in this house again.” he said before walking out of the sitting room.

Deborah's lips quivered as she felt her heart squeeze.

“I can't believe you couldn't come to me at least.” Deborah heard Joy's voice and she raised her head to see her sister walking passed her.

She tried to grip Joy's forearm but Joy weaved her hands off and left the sitting room.

A cry escaped Deborah's lips as she fell to the floor, and Adora scoffed by her before leaving the sitting room.


Joy was on her way upstairs when she heard her father's voice.

“It's nothing. What about your sister?”

“She's sleeping.” She heard Chima's groggy reply and climbed the steps even further to see her father walking Chima back to his room.

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