21: The Blame Game

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Deborah crossed her arms as she leaned on the door frame, staring at Joy, whom was lost in thoughts.

Her gaze lowered to what Joy held in her hands. Squinting, she saw it was a pink hardcover. It looked like a diary and she knew well that Joy wasn't a fan of such things.

Joy was so focused on the cover of the book, that she didn't hear Deborah close the door.

“Who died?” Deborah said, and Joy drew in a sharp breath as she turned to the door, her eyes widened.


“The way you are looking… as if someone died.” Deborah said as she entered the room and sat at the edge of the bed.

Joy sighed and shoved the book into her bag. “It’s nothing.”

Deborah tilted her head and pressed her lips together. “Ever since you returned from Oluchi’s place, day before yesterday, you’ve been grumpy. This morning you shouted at Chima, JUST because he mistakenly stepped on you.”

“Was I supposed to smile?” Joy zipped her bag and slung it over one shoulder.

“You weren’t supposed to shout at him either.”

“Exactly; ‘cos I like barking.” Joy murmured before leaving the room.

Deborah's brows drew together before she shook her head. She was already on her feet, when she felt a sharp pain in her head, causing her to draw in a quick breath and rub her forehead.

Once the pain subsided, she rubbed her eyes and yawned.


“I called your father,” The Vice Principal said as she clasped her hands on the table. “he told me why you didn’t come to school on Wednesday and Thursday. I’m sincerely happy for you people.” She smiled broadly.

Joy nodded, a forced smile holding her lips captive. “Thank you. I was supposed to come yesterday to start my toilet duties, but-”

“No problem. You can start today.”

“OK ma.”

The Vice Principal drew in a breath as she stood up from her seat. “Let me not delay you. You must have classes now?”

“Yes, ma.” Joy replied as she got up to leave the office.


Medicine always tasted more like poison than an antidote, Deborah grimaced, as she gulped down her prescription with a mouthful of water.

She was about to put down the glass when she saw the last capsule she had forgotten to take. Groaning inwardly, she popped it and threw it into her mouth before drinking water.

Once she was done, she returned the medicines to the cabinet in the dining room, and the cup in the kitchen. As she made her way to the sitting room, the sharp pain that threatened to ruin her day since morning, struck again. Inhaling sharply, she rubbed her temples and scrunched back in the couch.

Everyone, except her dad, had stayed home yesterday and would have done the same today, if she hadn’t convinced them that she was OK and could stay a few hours on her own. It wasn’t easy, but she finally won that fight. No doubt, her parents would give the biggest testimony this Sunday.

Letting out a deep sigh, she laid on the couch and stretched out her legs. The throbbing pain in her head forced her to shut her eyes tightly as she licked her dry lips.

Spontaneously, she drifted to sleep. Minutes had already gone by when familiar events started to resurface. Somehow, she found herself in a room; that room that caused chills to run down her spine.

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