13: When she finally cracks...

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Joy let out a deep sigh once she was done doing the dishes. She had done it alone because the twins were already asleep.

As she made her way to her room, she scratched her head, thinking about everything that had happened that day.

Blessing hadn’t returned to the class until lesson period which was around 2, and she had only come in to pack her bags to go home. Her eyes had looked a little swollen, as expected.

“Why was she crying sef?” Joy murmured as she entered her room. “Did she feel guilty?”

For what exactly, she silently asked herself as she slumped on her bed.

While she continued to ask questions she couldn’t provide answers to, she was oblivious to her phone ringing till the call ended.

After a few minutes of deep thinking, she sat up and picked up her phone. She had a missed a call, she noticed. Checking her call log, she found out it was one of the unknown numbers that had been calling her.

“Who is this idiot-” her question got interrupted when her phone began to ring again. 

She glared at her screen, deliberating whether it was a good idea to answer the call at all. She was getting sick and tired of the number, so that moment, she decided to give the person a piece of her mind.

Swiping to the right, she answered the call.

“See, if you know you’re not going to say anything, you had better stop calling this number! What kind of rubbish is this one?!” She shouted and was about to hang up.

“Hey, Joy! It’s me, Bayo! Don’t hang up!” The person from the other end shouted and Joy stopped her hand halfway away from her ear. “Hello?”

She sighed while closing her eyes briefly, before opening them. “Why didn’t you na say anything the first time you called?”

“Sorry.” He apologized and she blew air in her cheeks and lay back on the bed.

“How did you get my number?”

“Your number doesn’t worth much to be honest.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” She puckered her lips.

“Let’s just forget that one-”

“-no o. We’re not forgetting anything. What did you mean by what you said?” She cut in and he started laughing.

She frowned, hating the fact that almost anytime she said anything, he’d laugh at her like she was stupid.

“What’s funny now?” She asked when he started laughing quietly.

“Nothing o.”

“Since you don’t want to talk, I’m hanging up.”

“Oya sorry, sorry. I got your number from the school group chat. You used yourself as your profile picture, so it was easy.”

“Oh. Hmm. Makes sense.” She agreed quietly.

“So, what’s up?”

“Nothing much. Was about to watch a movie or the news – depends on what I meet.” She murmured the last part.

“OK. I-”

“Joy!” Her mother called, interrupting what Bayo was about to say.

“Ma!” She answered, putting the phone away from her mouth.

“Come!” Her mother shouted.

“OK!” She yelled back before returning to Bayo on the phone. “I’ve got to go now. My mom’s calling me.”

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