Chapter one

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" c'mon guys!! I really want to go see high school football!!! Pleaseeeeee! " Taylor had been whining about this for the last few days. Finally the boys gave up. " fine. Let's go to the nearest high school first and see if there's one okay? " Nash said. Taylor smiled and leaned his head back. Once the boys got there they put on their hoods and sunglasses and went to the stands. They sat right at the front row. Before the game started they looked to see a short brunette with a nose piercing walking to the microphone. Hayes couldn't look away. She had the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. She looked at him a smiled. Once she started to sing O'canada hayes felt butterflies. He had never heard such a beautiful voice before. He wanted to get to know her more. Hayes snapped out of his daze when Cameron looked over at him. " she'd be amazing for our shows! Don't you think? " he said. " uh huh. " Hayes slowly said. Sitting beside Nash who was beside cam was Jack G.. Now he loved the way Abby looked. But he hadn't thought about getting to know her. He was thinking about going to party's with her on his arm.

~ after the game ~

" guys let's go find her!! " Hayes said. Then all the boys got up and went to find Abby. They found her with three other girls.. A short girl with dark wavy hair who was wearing leggings and a baggy hoodie, another short girl with long straight dirty blonde hair who was wearing leggings and a shirt that said " I'm fun sized " then there was a girl with blonde layered hair who was wearing shorts and a hoodie. The boys walked up to them. " hey.. We heard you sing and you are amazing! We wanted to know if you would join us for our shows? " the boys took off their hoods and sunglasses. All four girls looked over and looked shocked. Abby walked up to them " you're the Magcon boys!!! And you want me to perform with you?! " she said hyperventilating.

" yeah you're amazing! And not to mention beautiful. " Hayes said. Abby blushed and looked at him. " thank you! " " why don't you an your friends come with us to our hotel? We have to go back and see shawn. He just got back from tour. " cam said. All of the sudden the blonde in the back squealed. " Shawn girl? " Hayes asked Abby. " mhm " " who's girl are you..? " Hayes asked looking deep Into her eyes. " I dunno I guess you'll have to find out " Abby smirked. Hayes laughed.

~ at the hotel ~

The boys walked in to see shawn was already there. " Shawn we have people for you to meet!! " Taylor jumped on him. Shawn threw Taylor onto the bed and looked at the girls. One caught his attention. The blonde. He walked over to her. " Hi I'm shawn. " he smiled. " I know. I mean.. Yeah you are. Ah I mean I'm Natalie " she blushed. " well Natalie would you like to go to the pool with me? I don't want to go alone and everyone else seems really tired." Natalie nodded. " okay let's go buy you a bathing suit from downstairs. " Natalie and Shawn left. Abby was talking to Hayes on the couch and the two other girls were standing against a wall talking. Then Matt and cam went up to them. " hey so we never did get your guys names. " they said. " I'm Emily. " the dark haired one said. " and I'm Addison, but everyone calls me addy. " " addy do you want to go see the animal shelter across the street? " cam said. " that is the weirdest thing someone's ever said to me. " Addison laughed " but sure. " cam took addys hand and led her out the door. Matt looked down shyly at his feet. " so um.. You're really.. Pretty. " he said as his face went red. " thank you " Emily blushed. " do you want to go watch vampire diaries and eat food with me? " he asked. He braced himself for a no. " YES! " Emily said. Matt looked at her and smiled. As he turned towards his room Emily jumped on his back. " for netflix! " she yelled.

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