Chapter Eleven

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~ Abby's POV ~

I woke up and noticed my stomach was huge. Over the past 5 weeks I had popped. Like for only being almost 5 months I was big. Everybody was so shocked. I stood up and felt an excruciating pain. I screamed as I felt blood run down my leg. What is happening.

Hayes quickly jumped up. " baby are you o-oh! Okay let's go to the hospital. " Hayes grabbed his keys and a jacket. We got to the car an he slammed on the gas. The whole way there tears ran down my face. " please god let the baby be okay " I prayed aloud. We reached the hospital and Hayes ran in to grab a wheel chair. He was so scared. Which made me freak out more. He helped me into the chair and pushed me to the desk. " help! My girlfriend. She's pregnant. She's bleeding. " Hayes yelled. The nurse quickly called a room and a bunch of doctors ran out to us. They took me away from Hayes.

~ Hayes POV ~

They took Abby away an hour ago. I was left out here shaking and crying. A doctor came out and I stood straight up. " can I see her? " the doctor smiled an lead me to her room. I looked at Abby. She was smiling at me but she also had tears running down her face. " abby? What happened!? " she sighed. " The baby died.. " she started. I felt tears fall down my face. " but.. " she said and smiled over to the nurses. They wheeled over a glass case with a bunch of wires in it. I walked over and looked to see a tiny baby. It looked like a doll. It had a lot of veins. Our baby girl.. She's so beautiful. " when do we get to take her home? " I asked. One of the nurses turned around. " when she's stable enough. Considering she wasn't supposed to be born for another 4 months.. But you guys are welcome to be here as long as you want. Now you.." She turned to Abby " you have to stay here for a few days so you can recover from the surgery. " Abby nodded. " can he stay with me? " she asked. I looked at her then our baby girl. We made that.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Abby said my name. " Hayes? Are you okay? You've been silent for the past 3 minutes " she smiled at me. I went over and kissed her. The nurse put our baby beside us and left the room. " we both looked at her. " she's perfect. " I sighed. Abby nodded. " Elizabeth? " she said. " Elizabeth is perfect. "

~ Emily's POV ~

I looked in the mirror. I have a tiny baby bump. I sleep in a lot lately.. I looked at the time it was 3:30. Where's Matt? I looked around the house he was no where. I started to text my ex boyfriend skate cause I haven't heard from him for a while.
E - Hey Skate :) how's it going I miss you!
S - hey! I'm in LA touring with digi! I miss you too
E - I live in LA!!! Come visit me!!
S - okay!! What's your address?

I gave him my address and I decided to sit on the couch with some popcorn and cheese wiz and watched full house. It's my favourite show.

After a few episodes Matt stormed in. " Matt.." I said. He stormed to the fridge and grabbed a beer. He cracked it open and chugged the whole thing, " isn't it a bit early for that? " I asked. He smashed the bottle on the ground. " are you trying to tell me what to do. " he yelled. I stayed silent. " I said are you trying to tell me what to do?! " he screamed this time. He pulled my head back by my ponytail and spat on my face. " ungrateful bitch " I felt tears of anger well up in my eyes. " You know what Matt?! I'm done with this! You have to stop drinking! You are going to be a father! You need to start acting like an adult! " I screamed. Right after I felt a throbbing pain on my face and I dropped to the ground. My hand went to my stomach while the other one protected it from the ground. " Don't ever yell at me again! " he yelled. He picked me up a bit and through me into the pile of glass. He slapped me and then the door opened. Someone ran in and punched Matt. He started yelling at him then Matt left. The person helped me up and walked me to the bathroom. I looked.. Skate. I hugged him and started crying. " hey what's been going on? Does he do that often?! " he asked. I started to tell him everything as he took glass pieces out of my back. " so you're pregnant and he still did that? "
" well he doesn't recall anything when he's drunk. He's a lot different when he's sober. He's a good guy when he's sober. " I explained.
" what do you say we get him some help? " skate smiled at me. I nodded and hugged him.

Hey guys! I updated twice in one day like what?! I have so many ideas for the story! I have so much inspiration today. Hopefully the next chapter will be up soon! I'll start writing it ASAP! Thank you everyone who is actually reading my story! I hope you all like it! Love you guys 💕⛄️ snowman because why not? It's almost Christmas!

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