Chapter seven

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Everyone sat in the waiting room. Nash was laying across two chairs an Hayes was sitting on a chair with Abby in his lap. And everyone else sat normally. Finally the doctor came in. " Addison's family? " they all stood up. " I'm sorry to say but Addison has been paralyzed from the waist down. " the doctor looked at everyone. He nodded at Natalie and then they all sat down. The doctor flipped the page over on his clipboard. " Cameron's family? " they all stood up again. The doctor looked around with confusion. " okay.. So Cameron has not shown any signs of him waking up anytime soon. We are gonna keep him here until he does. " " so when can we take Addison home..? " Emily asked standing up. " in a week or so. " the doctor said, nodded and then turned around. Everyone sighed and looked at each other. " this is going to be a lot crazier than we thought. " nash ran his hands through is messy hair. " what's going to happen to magcon? " "we will have to do it without cam.." Shawn sighed. Everyone sat in silence before heading home.
~ Natalie's P.O.V ~
After we got back I went straight to my room. I threw my shoes off and went to the bathroom. I washed my makeup off and brushed my teeth. I decided to open my laptop and go on tumblr. I started humming to Sam smith's stay with me. Then I started singing.

Oh won't you stay with me
Cause you're all I need
This ain't love it's clear to see
But darling Stay with me

~ Shawn's P.O.V ~

I thought I would surprise Natalie by coming to her room for the night. Once I got to the door an slowly opened it I heard the loveliest voice. It was Natalie. I crept in silently and swiftly. I peered around the corner and seen her with her blonde hair in a messy bun and her glasses on. She had no makeup on and was wearing a tank top and fuzzy pyjama shorts. She still looked beautiful. The way she hit the high notes.. It was so smooth. Almost angelic. My phone started to go off and I scrambled to get it to shut up. Natalie jumped up and came to the corner. " SHAWN! You scared me so bad! How long were you standing there for! " a piece of her blonde hair fell in her face. I couldn't help but smile. " what..? Do I have something on my face? " she looked worried. I shook my head. I leaned in and kissed her. I moved my arms to her but and she jumped up. I turned us around and put her against the wall without breaking the kiss. She ran her fingers through my hair and gently pulled.

~ Abby's P.O.V ~

Hayes wrapped his arms around me. " you okay baby? " I sighed " yeah I guess ". " do you want to stay in my room tonight? " he asked. I nodded. I felt his warmth around me and I felt at home. " uh I don't have anything to wear to bed.. " I said. Hayes quickly left me and went to his suitcase. He pulled out one of his T-shirts an handed it to me. I shot him a look and he turned around. I took off my hoodie and my shirt. I threw on his shirt and took off my leggings. " can I turn around now. " Hayes didn't wait for an answer. " damn, you look good in my shirt " he winked. I blushed and threw myself on his bed. Hayes sat down beside me, I looked over and noticed he didn't have a shirt on. Plus he put on sweatpants. Damn that boy changes fast. " like what you see? " Hayes chucked. I felt my cheeks burn. Hayes' lips kissed mine and then he went down and kissed my jaw, then to my neck. He focused there for a while. I let out a tiny moan. I felt Hayes smile against my neck. I rolled on top of him and started making out with him. I let the feelings take over and I started moving my hips. Grinding them into his.

~Shawn's P.O.V~

I dropped down beside Natalie on the bed. We both stared at the ceiling breathing heavily. " that was.. " she started. " amazing. " I finished. " shawn.. I uh.. I think I love you. " Natalie stared into my eyes. My heart fluttered. " I love you too " I said. She smiled and kissed me. So gently. Her lips were so soft. This moment was pure bliss. I've never loved a girl like this. She's so special.. So.. Perfect. She cuddled into my chest and went to sleep. After a while of thinking about tonight even I couldn't force my eyes open.

~ Hayes P.O.V ~

I put my arm over Abby's waist and pulled her body closer to mine. I leaned over and kissed her cheek. She slightly smiled before falling asleep. She's so perfect. She looks like an angel while she sleeps. " I love you " I thought out loud. I automatically started blushing, until I realized she was asleep. I sighed with relief and cuddled up beside her even more. I held her so close. Tonight was perfect. My heart started racing just thinking about it. I shook the thought and started to doze off. " goodnight baby " I whispered.

Whoa what?! Did I just add Point of views?!

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