Chapter Thirteen

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~ Natalie's POV ~

I heard yelling so I opened my door a little bit. " Cam I'm sorry! " addy cried. " save it Addison! " an with that cam was in the elevator and addy was going into her apartment. She closed the door and I heard a bang. I ran over to her door and opened it slightly. I seen her on the floor. " addy are you okay? " she looked up at me with mascara filled tears. " N-no c-ca-m h-hates me " she sobbed. I sat down beside her and she threw her arms around me and cried. " addy I'm
So sorry. I didn't think he was going to react like that " I said. I felt so guilty. " no. You were right. He deserved to know. ". She started calming down a little bit. " I think I'm going to have a nap. " she said with sad eyes. I nodded and headed for the door. " I'm here If you need anything okay? Just text me or something " I smiled at her before I closed the door. " poor addy " I mumble to myself.
I came in our apartment and seen just shawn. I guess everyone went home. " hey baby girl! Uh. Why is your shirt wet? " he asked walking up to me. " Addison was crying " I sighed. " is she okay? "
" no not really.. But hopefully she will be soon. " I said. He nodded and took my hand. " I have a surprise for you! " he smiled. He led me into our bedroom and I looked to see the whole room was lit up by just white Christmas lights an the bed had trays of my favourite foods on them. I looked over towards our tv and seen stacks of my favourite movies and shows. I looked at him. " what.. What is all of this? " " well it's my surprise! " he laughed. " I thought because you're always stressed and always worrying about stuff that I could give you a night without any stress. Like for gods sake Natalie we eloped and you were still as stressed as a girl would be on a huge wedding. " I laughed knowing he was right. I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him. Being 5'3 is difficult when you have a tall boyfriend. We put in the sound of music first because we both love that movie and started eating some chocolate covered almonds.

~ Abby's POV ~

I woke up and seen that it was 12:30 am. I must of crashed right when I got back from Shawn and Nats!! Elizabeth! I ran out of the bedroom only to see Hayes asleep on the couch with Elizabeth asleep on his chest. I smiled to myself and tip toed to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and a bottle of ketchup fell and hit the floor. I cringed then looked over to see Hayes awake but Elizabeth still asleep. He smiled at me sleepily. " hey babe. " he said getting up to put Elizabeth in her crib. He came back and hugged me. " I'm so sorry I fell asleep " I laughed. " it's fine. I played with Liz a bit and then fed her one of the bottles in the fridge. " I looked at him with an eyebrow raised. " yes I heated up the bottle! " he laughed trying to act offended. I playfully hit his arm then walked over to the couch with him.

~ Emily's POV ~

I've been staying at skates place for the past week or so. We got Matt into AA ( a/n if you don't know what that is it's Alcoholics Anonymous. It's a group for alcoholics to all come together and try to be sober again I guess. My mom went to them. ) and he seems to be doing pretty good. I have a little bit bigger of a bump. I feel bad for not telling everyone what's been happening or that I'm pregnant, but I want to wait till everything's okay again.

" hey em! " Matt smiled coming back from his 18th AA meeting. He goes to 6 different AA groups. He kissed me and then my belly. Just then skate came in with some blonde on his arm. " hey guys! This is Rachel! " he exclaimed. " hi " she smiled and waved at us. Matt smiled back but I just Kind of stared. He could do so much better than that fake blonde liposuction Botox bitch. Whoa k.. What is wrong with me? I should be happy for skate. Everyone was staring at me. " what? " I asked. " we just asked you if you wanted anything from Starbucks " skate laughed. " oh um no thank you " I replied. They nodded and headed back out. " you alright babe? " Matt said. " yeah just uh hormones " I laughed. I love being pregnant. Its full of excuses. We sat on skates couch and watched some full house. " I seriously can't get enough of this show. " I laughed at Michelle cause she was so sassy. Matt rolled his eyes at me. I stuck my tongue out at him and continued to watch.

Hey guys! Sorry it's so boring but it's just a filler. I'm seriously so happy that people are actually reading this! Like I put a lot of time into this story and I don't really have time between school and the online courses I do at home. It's crazy. But to everyone reading this I love you all so much 💕⛄️

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